
It’s been so long since Thurmon was in that I don’t remember what the general public sentiment was. But I had family members bitching about him being unfit due to his health in addition to his racism (Biden would probably remember since he eulogies the guy).

Why is he apologizing? To say something this horrific and shitty, and to do it in front of a public audience, this is something he has to believe to his core. So what is he apologizing for? What good is a fake apology? What is its usefulness?

no booze is fine, you are right. What is not fine is making people wear heels and then pay for booze. That is rude

Why would people be inside a place where the Barenaked Ladies were playing? 

I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.

The Jets play the Browns on Monday night, and then the Patriots, Eagles, Cowboys, and Patriots again. So while Darnold will be at home [..] the Jets will be busy going 0-6.

Yup, I randomly saw a video Vice posted on YouTube covering gay and trans Trump supporters and it’s like an episode of the Twilight Zone come to life.

Shame to hear of his passing.

I believe the logical conclusion is that AB retires to become a helmet designer, and uses Lavar Ball’s manufacturing connections to go to market.  

Inject this straight into my veins. I need this saga to be drawn out as long as possible, bringing the Raiders, AB, and everyone else past their breaking points. I need panicked public statements, I need social media meltdowns, and I need Jon Gruden turning shades of red that even Deadpsin couldn’t photoshop. I love

Great... Angel Hernandez is shapeshifting. 


Say what you will about Nick Foles, but he will never have this issue.

No need to call the police for everything. Sort it out youself! Christ. 

Joule thief!

After the O’s used nine actual, professional pitchers”

CPD spends so much time doing corrupt shit and then covering up corrupt shit I’m surprised they even had time to kill 14 people last year between donut runs.

EVERYTHING BUT investigating actual crimes.

Guess that would make Pelinka the Jud Buechler of fucking up the Lakers.