
So your argument is eventually he would have constructed a team with credible starters at every position? A novel approach. I expect it to catch on.

“...that I hope will serve as a giant blinking warning sign to any future employer of his...

It’s called being an undergrad.

You’re sweaty, you’re euphoric, and you’re covered in confetti.

Does it make me a bad person if I was hoping the shot would be waived off, just to see the ensuing chaos of trying to clean the fucking court up from all of the premature confetti ejaculate that some itchy-fingered production assistant spewed forth??

Fuck the NCAA. Sure. Definitely even!

Not only are the Cardinals in last place, but they’re winless in the month of April. Trash.

They are one of the better WNBA teams.

I loved Rob Dibble on the Daily Show. Why is he talking shit to Carlos Gomez? Stick to acting.