I totally agree. I should have phrased better that its he who would be expecting us to help his cause if we respond how he wanted! I think he expected it to go different than it has.
I totally agree. I should have phrased better that its he who would be expecting us to help his cause if we respond how he wanted! I think he expected it to go different than it has.
It’s not our job to help him with his issue. Methinks if they feel like they are trolling women at jezebel, it’ll damper their problems if they get us to run around screaming all shrill “oh my god we aren’t as progressive as we thouuuught!! Maybe he’s riiiiight. Make him feel betteeeer”
I respect your honesty too. It’ll make the future computer raid on you easier evidence wise.
Hey if this is what makes me a bible belt thumper I can live with that!
If you have a professor you are probably over the age of 18, and they are more concerned with student teacher relations causing a school other issues. Thats not a pedophile issue. Thats a school ethics issue. So this “wanting it both ways” accusation means nothing. Thrillho, please stray away from and don’t have…
I don’t think the equality women have fought for was to be able to bang kids. In fact, it speaks a lot that women are so objectified and infantilized and stripped of their own sexual power to the point they are seen as lucky conquests for teenagers and not pedophiles.
The plain and simple fact is that Texas WANTS black women to die off. They figured out how to systematically kill black men already. There’s no other explanation. We all know it’s that kind of place.
I’m trapped in Oklahoma without any kind of elders that I would want to associate with. Just hardcore religious zealots who voted trump and think I’m going to hell for having tattoos.
I remember one of my teen magazines (I was all about Edward ‘Eddie’ Furlong) shadily printing a 2x2 black and white pic of Christian Slater in response to a girl begging them to add posters of him haha. The dumb things I remember.
I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ve been eyeballing that cheesy looking cowboy/rancher movie with Norman Reedus on Netflix for a bit. Doesn’t look like my type of film but I’d love to see a clean Daryll romancing....
Maybe he should change his name to Chuck Berry so he can get some love here at Jezebel.
A million times this. White people in private sing a different song. My grandparents were Mexican immigrants but I look pretty white. You can imagine what I’ve heard about ALL Hispanics the minute everyone in the room thinks there are none around.
There were victims of some of his predilections. And we aren’t talking about his consensual farting, but it doesn’t matter if one makes major contributions to the entertainment industry. You aren’t owed the sexual exploitation of minors and women as a prize for playing music well.
I feel like a big way that men got away with stuff when I was in the Air Force was by keeping the women isolated especially from each other. It was easier for the predators to operate when they knew you had minimal support and aren’t comparing notes. They didn’t want you warning the next 19 year old sent in from…
I remember when I expended time and energy on celebrities I hated. You know when I was 12....
Haha, oddly enough I met Obama at Tinker after going through the Moore tornado. He gave me that reassuring eye contact WITH shoulder pat. It was magic. I nearly passed out. Made up for years of having emotionally unavailable parents too.
The Ancestry.com test tells absolutely everybody they are Scandinavian.
This needs to be engraved somewhere for all to see. Its the truth. I’m positive at this point that most humans are willfully ignorant and almost savor stupidity and destruction.
On another note, the hell is up with the pure dna test app advertisement popping up on Jezebel. If you saw it you know what I mean.