Math failure
Math failure
The speed travel talked about here is the exact same as cruising speed for a typical commercial plane. Do people find the g-forces of flying uncomfortable?
Moronic nonsense. If there was an explosion or accident it would be confined to the point of failure. The loop will probably have junctions in between stations to seal the tubes (allowing maintenance inside the pipeline) which would also allow them to isolate the failure point. Rather than a whole bunch of people…
Nope. Freight isn’t that expensive and removing people would change the economics, making it less competitive. This can do freight AND passengers.
Curious why you think he is dumber to argue with someone who had a gun (it was probably concealed until she fired) rather than the lady who chose to follow someone she felt threatened by - alone - knowing she lacked the skills to responsibly handle the weapon (its not protection if you can’t shoot with your eyes open).
She wasn’t doing it for protection. She was doing it to project her power in front of her friends. They were all right next to her when she loaded her magazine into the gun and got out - what did her friends all say or think. Clearly the implication is she’s about to shoot the bum who just left, or in other words,…
This is why she’s now in jail and having family/friends argue in her defense on gizmodo. So much winnin’.
1. He was already walking away, when he was stopped by the crazy lady with the gun who was now stalking him
Or her dad. His nonsensical “but I thought people were suppose to hate cops” defense sounds right up there with the ridiculous story her dad is spinning.
Your comments don’t make sense. What does the public’s reaction to Tamar Rice’s shooting have to do with a white girl who feels threatened and harassed...but chooses to pursue the perp and shoot him instead of leaving the threat? IF she ever felt physically threatened she would have done one of two things: call the…
Your comments don’t make sense. What does the public’s reaction to Tamar Rice’s shooting have to do with a white girl who feels threatened and harassed...but chooses to pursue the perp and shoot him instead of leaving the threat? IF she ever felt physically threatened she would have done one of two things: call the…
This sounds like first degree murder - premeditated. Her witness friends in the car should be jail too for being accomplices (they even all went to eat aftewards). If she was a young black male and this happened that is exactly how it would have went down.
Nope. Her certainty doesn’t mean shit. Neither does her friend’s car. If she was fearful for her life then LEAVING the threat is the only legally defensible position.
She could have easily shot someone else on the street. The police could arrest her for attempted manslaughter and wreckless disregard off that alone even if they bought her story 100%.
And if we’re playing the speculation game, I’d guess they shot the guy, freaked out left, and then called daddy the defense lawyer who told them to go back and confess and what to say to frame it as a self-defense case.
That 70% shows you’re a true idiot. Nothing you said justifies her following and then shooting him. If she was that afraid she would not have pursued him herself. The homeless could sit right in front of her car screaming death threats and that would not justify her actions, because he did not physically threaten her…
First off. We aren’t talking about “suspicious” behavior here. If was she said was true the guy was clearly harassing her, which is definitely justifiable for calling the police. Its certainly better than shooting someone walking away and then trying to explain how their leaving the scene threatened your life. She…
Exhaust fumes are very noticable and you don’t have to be “under the tailpipe” especially if its a big engine SUV and you are sleeping on the fucking ground a few feet away asshole.
If she was being “stalked” she could drive one block and call 911. At no point does “stalking” even justify shooting someone, let alone in this instance.
20/20 hindsight? You think shooting someone walking away from an argument makes sense...because you don’t know what might happen next? What might happen next is you leave and file a criminal harassment report to get a restraining order. You don’t hunt down and kill anyone who crosses you because “20/20 hindsight is…