
You’re right there’s always going to be trash on the track! *Looks at Mazespin*

Yup, came here to say just that. I would for sure LOVE a Netflix series about MotoGP along the lines of F1's Drive to Survive, but in the meantime until that happens, the Faster documentaries are awesome, and anyone who’s into motorcycles should watch them.

This. 100% this. I wrote else where that the incision, alone, didn’t have time to heal from the first surgery before he was back attempting to race, never mind the internal fixation on the fracture. I say this with confidence because I still haven’t been given the “all clear” after getting a plate put on my shattered

As I own a 996 with more than 200.000km on the clock and no IMS problems, and knowing a lot of other people with cars with a mileage like that and no engine problems, I think it is safe to say that these cars want to be driven. If you do that, then they’ll pose less problems than if you just let them sit for most of

This seems like they are looking out for island residents mainly, a group that was not prone to death in previous events. The participants are a different story... (and I do understand your comment is sarcasm, but you still missed the mark it seems)

Makes sense - the amount of people that get crammed together all over the island for the duration of the even is insane.

They’re being responsible. Can’t really fault them for that.

Mercedes - check those cowl drains. I believe your Passat may have some of the same automotive DNA as a 2000 Audi A6 Avant I once owned, and the cowl drains clogged up on it, flooding the front floorboards. Get them blown out! 

While I’ve learned a ton about working on cars through bad decisions, being dirt damn poor helped a lot too!
Seriously, it’s like computers though.   I don’t know jack all about something until I break it, and have to fix it on my own because I can’t afford to pay someone else to do it for me.

Luis was robbed and will always be the winner of that season in my book. 

The brakes are the same size as stock, going by the photos (And his interview says he only changed the pads and brake lever). Suspension is also a bit of a funny one. He mentions getting a Showa Factory racing set... Which is neat, but the stock suspension is already set up for the bike and has even more adjustability

You expect a group of hipsters to actually improve something substantial?

The more I learn about F1, the more it seems like a billion-dollar clownshow.

It’s probably also setup really well for the track. It sounds like the Duc was setup softly and not track/race-prepped. Any racer or track day junkie knows how many days it takes just to get everything feeling/working well at a high level with suspension settings, geometry settings, etc.

Those interior images are not renders. They may be retouched to make the colors pop and the background look interesting, but I sat in the exact car that they used for the photos.

How many S-class, 7-series, and A8 sold in 2019? That’s the competition, not Model S. 

$650!  That’s about $800 too high!

My new trillionaire fantasy is going to Mitsubishi and being like “call anyone who worked on the Pajero Dakar program 20 years ago and build me a singular brand-new street-legal SUV with a hilarious engine/transmission combo. Here’s two million bucks to get the ball rolling.”

Jackie Daytona: Regular Human Bartender