
So having read a few reviews, I’m going to be very curious to see how this shakes out. Without saying that this will be a Cormac McCarthy level of greatness (it won’t), the smattering of reviews I have seen seem to be like what you would get when handing a bunch of Sophomore college students a copy of Blood Meridian

My 335d was throwing a lot of codes, so I did some light exhaust work & sent the ECU out for some straightening out, and now it does fun things (without throwing CELs). It needs a few things to be perfect, so I expect it will spend a lot of time on the Quickjack through the fall.

Well maintained and serviced on time (per Carfax).

I watched the entire season and your “white fish out of water” description is puzzling. Maybe try it again? If only because it’s really good. I think the finale was some of the best TV I’ve seen this year.

I think that Carol hid a tiger on his plane.

“great place to highside your face off.”

For the record, this is spectacular. You are way too modest...

oof that faceplant, what a shot!

Baby would like a word with you about never seeing a red WRX...

Nope! A big NOPE at this price.

And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.

Out of warranty AND questionably modified? AND half the price it was new, now 16 years later? We gotta get out the mondo pipe to fit in all this crack.

I believe they’re somewhere in the 2002 section.

Always had a soft spot for the flying bricks, for no real reason. NP.

This is the 318i of motorcycles. It’s the least desirable configuration of a model in the twilight between being modern and being collectible. Some people like them, but most of them have only convinced themselves of that because it is the cheapest way to get into/onto a BMW. $2900 is at the high end for a bike that

did a sneaker write this

It’s not just a stretch, I actually think that during my time of watching MotoGP (about 20 years now) he’s been the most generally disliked rider at the top level. When Marc Marquez made the jump to MotoGP even the Spanish fans seemed to shift allegiances without thinking twice.

“Needs a tune LS swap”