
Sometimes it’s worse than that. About a decade ago I had sudden hearing loss and vertigo, so I went in for an MRI. I got a call at 4:55 on a Friday about the results and they got my voicemail where they said there was a “growth” and to please call back. I called back immediately, but they had already shut down the

Years ago I had a family member spend a very long time in an ICU, and my experience was that most doctors are better than this, but some are so busy or in their own heads they don’t even realize how they sound.

That was the point of the joke, wasn't it?

Nah K, that's exactly how that call goes. 

holy crap that gives me hives, I swear. I HATE THAT 

Could one of them be

A haiku:

What we really need to drag on, and discuss, is the ‘spine in’ piles of books in the fire place.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in regular daytime “natural” makeup, as would have been appropriate for a serious topic. It’s always a smokey eye and, as Cousin’s Matthew noted below, soap opera level pancake face and all the trimmings

I feel this in my soul. We refer to our neighbor as leaf blower man. I am convinced that leaf blowers are completely useless, a tool designed to burn fossil fuels and get men out of doing any meaningful second shift work. 

Biden’s campaign slogan could just as easily be “Make America Great Again” as Trump’s, with the difference being the “Again” points to, like, the 1890s for Trump and to 2013 for Biden.

Shouldn’t now be the perfect moment to continue with Last Man on Earth?

Martha Stewart has an alternative way to eat soft boiled eggs and toast soldiers and it is my absolute favourite. Basically you shell the eggs and put them in a bowl with the buttered soldiers and mash it all up and eat with a fork. I like it way better because I’m not left with just egg white at the end.

Also I can tell this is written by someone who’s never actually eaten egg and soldiers. Egg cups arent whimsical or an anachronism. You physically cant dip the toast in the egg if nothing is holding the thing in place. Cutting it in half and sticking it on a plate would lead to it getting cold too fast and congealing.

These eggs crack me up.

Holy fuck that’s brilliant.

I wish he would do it today and immediately get her out on the campaign trail.

I hope Biden picks Warren as his VP but if not Biden/Obama sounds like a winner to me.And yes Obama running as Vice President is legal

We all understand that screaming into the void feeling - occasionally it still just hits you, like how in the actual fuck is this guy in charge? Our last class act of a president was under such a microscope that wearing a light tan suit was worthy of bad headlines. Now we’re living with blatantly racist comments on

I honestly can’t even fathom how ANYONE can think what the current president is doing right now is anything resembling “leadership”. All one has to do is watch 5 minutes of his daily pandemic press conference/corporate/underling ass kissing festival to see he has absolutely no ability what-so-ever to navigate this. At