
This feels like water dripping against stone. Slow, but it will win out. I finally feel like I can breathe a little easier now.

She very nicely bridges that perceived weakness in Sanders’s politics, who was strong on progressive economic ideas but often failed to connect with minority voters because of a concern about playing so-called identity politics that comes when you directly appeal to the concerns of the people who make up a strong

I love suspicious because this brown girl's mom taught her that white men are suspicious. They will screw you over and get away with it.  Every damn time I read suspicious in a description I envision a dude bro Chad.

Being civil, turning the other cheek, staying respectful, etc. are elements of the same, naive, ridiculous aspiration of the Left: as long as we stay true to our values, advocate for equality, and stay civil, everything will turn out in our favor because we were the better person.

Maxine Waters was not saying “beat up people from the administration,” she was saying when you see people from the administration, don’t wait to fully organize an action — make your voice heard in that moment. Don’t make life convenient and peaceful for them, give them the same respect they give to immigrants, asylum

Perhaps a good litmus test?

It’s the brown note I tell ya!

Terry crushes toxic masculinity!

I love this man.  He’s a REAL MAN.

Totally. This is the funniest, most awful thing to happen to a piece of art in my lifetime.

i dont know, i feel nothing is ever going to top the Jesus restoration :

Dude, where's my car? 

I literally had to fight with my brother to defend the fact that the news I read on The Economist are real journalism while Breitbart is not. My brother, an MBA from the University of Fucking Chicago who lived all over the world, called me arrogant for presuming to know what is a serious publication and what is not.

Move over old porn named Finn.

I saw that and was amazed that Ashley didn’t mention the gilead ambassador’s wife was there. 

I have INJURED myself taking off my sports bra by punching myself in the mouth as I struggled with a form-fitting garment designed to basically never come off once it gets sweaty. Name one thing men routinely wear that can cause injuries. And I didn’t even get into blisters from high heels, that thing when a pencil

It was nice of Serena Joy to make a special guest appearance:

Not sure what’s bothering me more about this administration... how angry it makes me, or how happy that anger makes the Right. When Rachel Maddow cried last week my first thought was, “Welp, the Faux News comment section is gonna sop that up with bread”, and, sure as shit do stink, republicans treated Maddow’s tears

Fuck these people. This is what they deserve. No restaurant is required to serve them and they are not a protected class. They may think it’s funny to go to Mexican restaurants and have these people serve them while calling them animals, but they can laugh all they want OUTSIDE, ON THE SIDEWALK. Not to mention, every