
I am going to need ALL THE TISSUES for this film!!! *start hoarding now

I second this!

Same!! <3

Also get a library card - tons of ebooks, movies, audiobooks and music via Hoopla!

OMG thank you so much because I just bought Black 2.0 and “THE WORLD’S MOST GLITTERY GLITTER”. :)

I know right!?! I am nervous for them now . . .

All the stars for that Aucoin quote!! <3

Fuck this woman and the eyelashes she flew in on!!

That Anastasia palette is awesome. I have it and love it!

That Anastasia palette is awesome. I have it and love it!

Those always bothered me - as a slightly corporate goth person, I didn’t like when they tried to put these people into regular people workwear.

Oh and why/how was I had friended him on Facebook early on (when “Boy” had come out) and hubbie and I took a trip to NZ and saw it in a theatre there. I had written him on FB a few times telling him how much I loved his work and he’d write me back. We even played that game “Draw Together” every now and then and I’m

Agreed! I’m so happy for his success but I want him to remain my favorite indie director for all time. With that said, we saw Thor this past weekend and his imprint is all over it, so funny!!

I don’t remember a scent but his hug was warm and cuddly. :)

+1 on Taika Waititi, excellent director and wonderful person to boot. He gives lovely hugs.


I have one, same color. I call it my “stabber.” I do have to remember to take it out of my purse along with my pepper spray when flying though.

Same! Got mine on Jan 13 in anticipation of this bullshit. Ugh.


I want to live in Thom Browne’s head, I love it and don’t care what anyone thinks.

This is just going to get worse and worse for us olds. I am not looking forward to it.