Soviet Orelius

Like you said though, not everyone was down with the movement. I remember reading something like only 10% of Black people around at that time participated in a Civil Rights Movement protest. Even when you consider sympathizers, they were a bit of a minority and often an elite of sorts. Taken from that realm, it’s not

As someone native to New Orleans, Louisiana, I’ve never been shy at telling people to stay away from those small towns. Those are the very towns that vote AGAINST their interest and are racist.... They don’t hide their hate for you either it is as clear as the pointy nose on their face. These people are the reason

As fucked up as this sounds, I hope that this dude’s motives involved political beliefs. I want to see politicians and media pundits try to dispel this shooter’s own words, so they can’t label him as a terrorist.

“Tune in next time for another addition of Jerkass Craterface as he combats the terrors of economic anxiety with rigorous racism!”

This is how you know mankind is doomed; the mere idea that a child molester can think he has the right to threaten or hate ANYONE else is the definition of insanity. And he looks like the poster child for deviant, sexually-repressed, unachieving, weird, acne-ridden, angry racist whypipo everywhere. SMH

Ah. Well, if that isn’t the face of a racist child-diddler, than I don’t know what is.

Wow. I’m generally pretty forgiving when it comes to movies, but I have to tip my cap you. 5 years of defending The Phantom Menace? That’s impressive.

New NYPD protocols will have a database of famous people of color that they can run suspect pictures against. They will also be trained not to manhandle or bludgeon people over 6'6" as these could be basketball players with good attorneys (see Thabo Sefolosha). With these reforms they hope to insure that only people

When you get whites together in groups you see the thug element. It’s in their nature. It’s rare you can get large groups of whites together without some sort of violence. When you throw in this country “music” which promotes drinking and glorifies white thugary you have what you have on Sunday.

I’ve never seen terrorism described as a question of morals before.

Until White Men lose the fantasy of using their guns to protect themselves and their families from the Negro hordes, you won’t see gun control in this country.

So can we discuss the role country music played in this? Can we talk about the message that the artists on stage constantly preach to their fans about beer & women? Can we ask why don’t these people make better choices in life & why their parents didn’t raise them better? See how that works white folks. Oh and sorry

Also I have to carry liability insurance for my car and show my competency every few years to keep a driver’s license. If gun owners are down for that, then the analogy would be apt.

Now, Rainey. The white community doesn’t have a problem. You know this married man who had a mistress, with his previous dealings with the police, was a mentally ill, emotionally distressed, economically anxious lone wolf. #notallwhitepeople blah blah blah

If 20 dead white elementary school kids in an affluent community didn’t do it, I don’t think anything will.

White killer/man - The press will plead mental illness. They are already referring to him as a ‘lone wolf’ which implies that this sort of behavior is not normal for white people when it is. I am hoping that no black people have been killed or injured.

Most of the founding fathers thought that mass genocide of Native Americans, owning other human beings, and treating women who didn’t fall into the previous two categories as second-class citizens was totally acceptable. I don’t give a fuck about what they would think. We need to start making some common sense

It didn’t take long for one of the gun nuts to reply to you with some mindless drivel. What you’re saying makes absolute sense, but good luck trying to convince them to acknowledge even an ounce of what you’ve written.

LVMPD tracked the suspect to the 32d floor of Mandalay Bay, made an explosive breach, and killed the suspect. There’s a person of interest along with two vehicles registered to the suspect. Suspect was a local resident.