Soviet Orelius

I don’t think she’s ever said it out loud, but Ivanka Trump is in government and is a pretty dope

The act alone makes her hurt. She might implode if she truly understands what the hell is going on in this country.

That may be the case but this was in New Castle County in the state of Delaware.

Do they not consider that these black women maybe have a reason to be angry?

So I am part of my local Democratic organizing committee and we participated in the local march instead of the one in DC. Because of our role in the community, we got a lot of interest. Afterwards, I overhead some of my acquaintances talking about how some of the Black women and other WOC had made “angry” signs. Which

All over every FB political justice page too. And at the women’s march the Black women who attended “seemed too angry”.

An ongoing frustration is the (long-standing) movement of white liberals pushing back against Black women for this very sentiment. I have seen it all over Kinja and growing in most recent months. Go into any post about politics and you will see the onslaught of white people lining up to tell a Black woman that she is

And thus was sounded the death knell of Star Trek: Discovery.

Yes, but remember Mudd’s women?

Unlikely as Federation robotics technology seems to be comparatively underdeveloped in the 23rd Century. Noonien Soong developed the technology in the 24th Century

I also have to wonder if any of the “provenance” her little piece of real estate was just made up by the real estate agent who sold her on it.

How does being black and not liking Trump automatically become an ASSumption about not working for a living and leaving the country? That bullsh!t gets me every time. How many OUTSPOKEN, RACIST and DIVISIVE anti-Obama supporters were ever accused of not working or told to leave the US? Stfu with that nonsense. We

You haven’t missed much. It’s only been around since May? June? This shit is the best thing to happen to that basic Becky. No one was going in there before. None of the local drunkards were talking about the place. Then this drama hit in August. It probably put her on the map because before the controversy she was

Sunday was literally the first time I noticed Summerhill (and I shop at the Keyfood frequently). All I thought when I walked by was “Great. Another Manhattan priced bar. Guess King Tai (which is a block away) is going have some competition.”

As many times as I walk up and down Nostrand, I’ve yet to see this place. Guess I’m not looking. But we already know what it is. Her aloofness is a key sign she doesn’t care about the history of the neighborhood, it’s merely her investment in what the neighborhood will be shortly, as more long time residents are

Come on Michael this guy was clearly innocent and just wearing a red armband and a cheap faux leather jacket ironically.

“alleged serial predator”...he was convicted and there were tapes.... 

Not surprising when it dawns on you that the black church has covered up pedophiles, sexual abuse, straight-acting leaders who preach against being gay while everyone knows they themselves are gay, and all manner of sexual activity outside of marriage.

Based on the Stanislaw Lem novel, which was previously adapted in 1972 by the great Russian filmmaker Andrei