Soviet Orelius

We don’t have to agree on whether he’s good or bad as we both have our beliefs and personal experiences which help us arrive at either point. I’m comparing him to other Presidents who faced similar situations if not greater challenges and still were able to be more effective executives like LBJ, FDR, or even Clinton.


Ohio. You mean Ohio.

Your comment clearly doesn’t fit with anything that I’ve said. Specifically, I’ve discussed legislative agenda and political capital over Executive Orders, and Memorandums sooo... no.

I remember this quite well. 30+ memorandums all pretty much rescinded by Trump. A bill sponsored by leading Democrats, voted against by about 20 Democrats, that failed and was never brought up again for a vote in any other session of Congress. I’ll admit I’m wrong in saying he didn’t do anything; and should phrase it

I’m not really sure what you’re referring too. I never said anything about Bernie bros not being rude or cruel. I also didn’t say that the majority of them are white. I merely stated, factually, with references, that he also had minority support. I know it may be hard to believe that; but it’s true.

The election data

It’s only Congresses fault when you work with legislators to submit bills, and have them brought up for vote. What legislation did President Obama bring forward that was struck down by Congress that he then went and used Executive Orders and memorandums? What legislation on police or criminal justice reform,

Ok. It seems you’re not willing to take a step back and evaluate his presidency based on the fact that he has political capital; didn’t spend much, and didn’t make Republicans pay for their obstinance.

I didn’t say ANYTHING about being a king and specifically pointed to situations like LBJ who rammed things down

In the last election I opted to vote third party as I felt abstaining from that portion of the ballot was not beneficial and I wasn’t going to vote for the Sec. Clinton (I would have voted). I felt that if my vote could help a third party secure federal funding at least, then it’ll help pave the way for future change.

So you’re saying Sanders isn’t genuine and I agree. You’re saying that we should apply a purity test to his resume to see if he’s genuine and to call him out on his resume which I agree.

I think it’s important to hold candidates accountable and test for how genuine they are, comparing that to the impact of their

Yes, he lost people of color and black women specifically by a large number (and I never said he didn’t). I pointed out that there was a lot of support from people of color, and that the movement is not all white Bernie bros which seems to be an issue for you. It doesn’t mean the majority aren’t white guys, but there

No George Bush is still terrible no matter how bad we may think Trump has been in 2017. Bush literally set the world ablaze helping fuel the next generation of Islamic Extremist terrorism, which helped fuel the far-right extremism, which has plunged parts of the world into a new back and forth struggle.

Bush is

Why do people keep trying to push this Bernie bro and his supporters all being white and male thing? I don’t get it. Plus that was 2016....

We know that plenty of women and men of color were supporting Bernie; eventually some moving on to Stein or just abstaining like Angela Davis, Dr. West, Dr. Lamont Hill, Killer

This is tragic. This man sounds clearly bi-polar or undiagnosed with some personality disorder.

So selfish that he’d kill his kids and his mother instead of just himself.

Considering you’re more likely to die from gun violence in the US than a potential nuclear war, that the Koreans themselves aren’t even worried about...



Mass shootings, police violence, terrorist attacks < Potential Nuclear War which no one wants on the peninsula and probably won’t happen which is why the South Koreans aren’t really concerned or seem to be bothered by it...


Interesting write up and link to other sources. I admire both men for their writing and speaking but have criticism with both.

Dr. West sometimes puts me off with his throwback “kindness” towards everyone and willingness to overlook his allies faults at times. Mr Coates presents an intellectual voice but also at the

This whole story is insane and so is the mother’s defense of her behavior. It’s the reason why we’re still have stupid conversations about Confederacy, antebellum South and in general the massive cognitive dissonance about this subject. I’m glad that throughout all of this people haven’t tried to explain to her WHY

This is sad. He might not be able to be in the big house anymore. I hope it works out for him.

There is no solution to gentrification without government intervention. How can we be mad for rich people moving into poor areas and cleaning them up when people from those areas who make it out don’t move back and invest in their neighborhoods?

Meaning, as a black upper middle class professional, how can I be mad at