Soviet Orelius

I’m ok with this.

I’m sorry, but Cardi B really is terrible. Her lyrics are pedantic. Her phrasing is painfully repetitive even for trap music. Her mono-tone method of rapping drones on, and her strange emphasis on weird syllables like “MO-Ney MOves” is awkward to the ear. Flame on.

You know, in the Middle East they just post guards outside their religious buildings to help deter assaults but I guess having hundreds of congregants all shooting wildly is a better solution.

Thanks for not embedding his tweet for real. Don’t give him any more views for his analytics.

I’m just ending the mental gymnastics of the Trump supporters on this. HILLLARY!!!! and they are like “they should arrest her too” and I’m like “ok, she’s not president so arresting her won’t cause a Constitutional crisis.”

Yeah but his MAC address would not and most people don’t use VPNs soooo.

He still has PTSD from the horrible experience of Alien 3. I appreciate his work with the film after seeing the Assembly Cut but seriously, big franchises are really hard.

What’s more frustrating is the fact that the US has been in the region and REFUSES to join the African Union, or United Nations mission in the area. They have to coordinate with the French and other forces when they really should be part of the ongoing operations. The UN/AU and French have been fighting in Mali, Chad

I think the Wire gets the moniker of best show ever written for it’s season to season story shift that leads to showing the city from varied angles. In my opinion, I feel The Wire is more impactful when you view David Simon’s other Baltimore work like “Homicide: Life on the Streets” and “The Corner” as each heavily

I had heard this before but listened again. Much of this, and the relationship building I referenced in my previous post on anti-violence protests and community outreach. I don’t support or interact with mega churches at all, but the small community churches still have a strong benefit in being centers for discussion

It’s hard to operate within the confines of rules and regulations and focus on building relationships with the community you hope to serve so they decide to trust you instead of seeing you as adversaries. We know that micro-managing agencies didn’t start with President Obama and if anything is heavily tied to

In your experience attending anti-violence protests how many have ended in violence? Was it connected to gangs or was it a random incident? Based on your comment, I assume you attend these events regularly; what would be a more effective way to handle the violence that occurs at the protests you attend? I assume your

I’d argue that it is talked about in the media, just not the mainstream media. It’s in community, local, and minority sources but it’s not juicy enough for CNN, MSNBC or Fox News. The funny thing about all of this is, I saw a report on SBS Australia about Chicago and Ferguson where they spent so much time talking

Yes, it’s possible because often police unions are snowflakes and help those cops who were triggered by harsh words, and criticism and decide they don’t want to do their job but still get paid.

Must be nice.

I agree in the higher death toll’s in those incidents but I think it’s up to qualify this event. It IS the deadliest shooting in US History by a single person. It is not the deadliest overall massacre / shooting in history. It’s not that I think we should teach and remember things like Wounded Knee, it just seems knee

The era that I think has still been missed is the post TOS and pre-TNG era. We got a glimpse in Yesterday’s Enterprise and in Voyager’s Flashback episode. 80 years of near untouched Star Trek stories only really hinted at in The Lost Era series.

I agree on the stinkers. I’m an avid Voyager fan but some episodes with the Doctor and Seven of Nine make me want to claw my eyes out.

Man, Lower Decks. Such an amazing personal episode. I legit cried when I first watched this.

Depends on the person.

One guy told me “well I was a teacher for 30 years and dealt with “these kids” for years. It’s someone else’s problem now.”

Another person engaged me in discussion and admitted he’s not actually looked into it and had no idea. We talked further, and he was shocked to find out about a recent