Soviet Orelius

I turn it around on them. Because I’m active in my community I’ll ask them specific questions like “you seem very interested and concerned with violence in black communities. What is your opinion on the peace in the streets march? What about 1000 men? I assume you were at the march two weeks ago and as such, how did

So noted. I’m an idiot :)

Delaware Ohio is super right wing. Super conservative and has regular incidents of racism. They worship the military, hard core support Trump and right wing conservative candidates and are quick to jump to racism. I absolutely hate going to Delaware because of this as people will smile to your face, then use racial

Now playing

The fact they gave Solaris an F... I can’t even take them seriously. I mean Mother is weird but it’s not an F film. Maybe a C or a D. It’s quirky and hard to watch at points but overall is def not an F in my opinion.

As far as their rating on Solaris...I don’t care if you don’t like the film itself; based on Jeremy

Columbus is so corrupt it’s not even funny. The City Council is corrupt and is advancing gentrification with tax abatements which takes money of our schools. The current mayor had a scandal around school spending years ago. The last mayor got caught in a Redlight camera scandal, buy offs with his house being bought by

Endgame I get. Armored Voyager and USS Nova is pretty cool.

However, WTF. TIME & AGAIN? That episode was terrible and that kid truly was so annoying. So many better episodes: The Void, Year of Hell, Equinox, Dragon’s Teeth, Basics, Future’s End, Coda, The 37s, Hope & Fear... but Time & Again? Come on.

I also think

Come on, First Nations isn’t Euro booty. It’s just light skin brown booty. Have you seen Ashley Callingbull, Roseanne Supernault, or Tanaya Beatty? Not bad..

Hold on..

First nations women got some booty too.

Amazon pantry and order what you need spice and dry goods wise, then get your pig parts from the Asian grocery.

If you’re hurting for PBS just watch it online.

I see what you wrote but we all know the game we really need is Crimson Skies 2.

I honestly prefer AoE3 out of all of the games in the series. With the ability to heavily customize and edit settings, along with the physics and Enlightenment Age warfare, it had some great ideas and play ability. My biggest disappointment with the game was the naval aspects as it was a chance to really expand the

Meh, this is a pretty standard haircut in the military globally of all races really. Letting it grow long like Hitler did is what sets it off but seriously... this is a non-issue.

Well I haven’t been posting updates about it because I’m not feeding into the tragedy mindset of “THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT” people. I look at the 5 BLM protestors who got shot; I look at all of the other people who have been beaten, hit by cars, or been killed by Neo-Nazis and the KKK over the

I spoke with a friend about these monuments the other day and I kind of blew his mind.

He said “yeah but the residents of those states wanted those monuments to honor their heritage.” to which I said “which residents? The white ones? At the time, in nearly every Southern state there were more black residents than

Large cities are only black friendly on the surface. For those that live there, these cities are built upon indifference to the lives of black people and the poor. I’ve lived in DC, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Austin, and many other cities... all the same. They are black friendly until it’s time to provide

I was driving through St Louis a few months ago and saw neighborhoods that had streets gated off right down town so people couldn’t drive through. It’s like a gated community on a public street that was right next to a lower income neighborhood. I was shocked.

I love all of this. Heathers & Twilight?! I want to see that movie.