Soviet Orelius

Did President Obama sign an executive order allowing Transgender soldiers or in general an Executive Orders for LGBT persons in the military? I ask because Truman did that for desegregation and if President Obama might have done that, it could have triggered a government showdown where Republicans would have to chose

The first artist Kyle was pretty dope and Anime had some talent and xxtenaction intrigued me, but the rest of it was straight trash. Ugly God and Kamiyahah... go back to talent night please that was so weak.

I challenge the Ornette Coleman comparison to mumble rap performers. I do this because even though free jazz was crazy, and at times made you question if the performers understood jazz theory beyond elementary levels; Ornette Coleman had the technical skill to play his instrument. No matter what ridiculousness he

No big deal.. the guy plants the drugs is bad, but the other officers who saw him do it are cool with it. This is a clear example of how “good” cops will stand by while bad things are done by bad cops. Charge them all and vacate their cases (as much as I hate to say that) that hinge on their finding evidence then fire

I do think that books should be adapted for TV instead of film. With that being said, after the True Blood ridiculousness, I don’t have faith her material will ever be translated to the screen properly.

Personally, I’d like to see an Anita Blake adaptation to the Big Screen. You’d easily get 1 season out of every book

It’s because the public is ok with a death sentence for non-compliance with a police officer. The bar keeps being lowered more and more... we’re at the point where smoking, selling a cig, owning a legal weapon, or even sitting in a park with friends has become enough to kill.

Now as we watch the family of the

Now playing

His recent work with Oats Studios has Sigourney Weaver in it... just saying.

I would like to see a sequel to the Mark Wahlberg film to find out if Ape Lincoln freed the humans.

I agree wholeheartedly with your statement and think it’s really because everyone who stands up and tries to do something gets smacked down. Fred Hampton is the best example of this as he was able to get poor whites, PoC, and numerous other groups before they killed him.

Because she’s the ideal standard of beauty in South Africa... :D

Army, but worked with all services pretty regularly and was stationed on a NAB for about a year too.

I hear your perspective a lot from other service members. One time we were at a public relations event in Crawford, TX; President Bush’s ranch town back in ‘03. After the event, we; in Class Bs, were trying to find

Honestly, we were happy he left haha. Collectively, the family has hosted 5 or 6 students and he was the worst. We had a similar experience with an exchange student in the 1990s from the Ota section of Tokyo. She decided not to come back for her second year and we never knew why until we found out she stayed with

Yep, traditional American Family. My aunt is a teacher at a prestigous boys school north of DC for nearly 30 years; lives in a very nice townhouse in Silver Spring; husband was (he passed away) a retired Navy Seal; she had a teenage son who was also going to the school; she had a Master’s Degree in Education ; overall

Another story:

Many of my family members have had exchange students over the last 20 years. Most recently, one of my Aunt’s hosted two Chinese exchange students; one from Hong Kong, and one from the Mainland. The mainland student was rude, talked down to us, was super unappreciative, and overall a dick. I should

I lived in South Korea and Japan, and traveled extensively for work to Thailand, Malaysia, and a few times to India and Hong Kong.

I see what you tried to do but then I just watched the 4th Season and NOPE.

I became salty as fuck when they made the drone changes so I couldn’t use 10 drones on my arbitrator anymore. Then I got made when they nerfed Nanos so my nanophoon wouldn’t work. Then when they made the capital ship range and fatigue changes. Still playing though... 12 years and counting :)

The 1990s TV show; Homicide: Life on the Street, tackles this early on with some great dialogue especially in the episode “3 Men And Adena”. There is a storyline of a young black girl being found murdered and throughout the season they investigate many things with some people sexualizing her, and Andrea Braugher

Well, to her credit, she’s used her wealth to help foster the arts and has raised some on the surface good kids. Her daughter is married to a black man and they are all NYC socialites. She appeared on the cover of major NYC magazines with her bi-racial grand children along with spoke out publicly on AIDS and other