Soviet Orelius

I think the point of the article is that the nation didn’t fail the test of character. It behaved in a manner that people of color always expected. Given an opportunity to do the right thing, the nation doesn’t and usually has to be dragged and beaten until it does. Faced with two main choices; a lot of people just

Choosing another religion, no religion at all, or a denomination that is different with Christianity.

I can’t disagree with your interpretation but point out that by reinterpreting what the scripture said, you’re adjusting it to fit what the current faith system requires. As in, past generations interpreted those scriptures for their purposes which often was in support of slavery. As far as the Old Testament goes,

So your position is that once you fuck up you’re done? No redemption whatsoever?

That’s the question I posed to many Christians including my uncle a Southern Baptist preacher. I asked “if a person renounced their sins and was born again living their life justly, would that allow them to enter the kingdom of heaven? i.e. a slave owner practicing a concept supported in the bible but is considered

Alveda King has no credibility and is only in the limelight because she is Dr. King’s niece. Ignore the fact that Corretta Scott King didn’t support her publicly and that most of her public writings and statements are a complete contradiction to what Dr. King wrote and what his family has stated... you know the people

Bernie Sanders hasn’t been a plus one since he got hauled off by Chicago PD back with his fellow SNCC and CORE members.

He’s a real low level version of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland and always welcome at the BBQ. You know he’s got those good ole Uncle dance moves.

Where is GUY? Seriously. It’s the glue that holds all of the New Jack movement together. WE NEED A GUY BIOPIC!

I wasn’t intending to skip over Syria in my comment but didn’t mention them for a variety of reasons. Mainly it being the outlier in it’s Christian population of the nations on the list, and the majority of the population leaving Aleppo for Damascus ; being killed ; or remaining in the city. Aleppo specifically has

The other upside is school choice can lead to more support for religious schools! Remind your conservative friends that this is GREAT because it means we can have more public funds going to support Islamic Schools in America! Yay! Or Satanist, Scientologist, etc all with your tax dollars going to support it :)

It wasn’t plantation mentality when African-Americans voted for Republicans for nearly 100 years. Then it was having free will and exercising the right to vote but ever since Goldwater it’s a victimology.

Now playing

I envision the meeting took place like this:

Though it looks like that clause is in response to a disproportionate and unfair number of Muslim refugees.


I see that 1.) you looked into my comment history and 2.) you’re ability comprehend is severely lacking.

I didn’t say a worldwide ban on Muslims. In all of my comments, I’ve been clear and very strict in detailing the limit to 7 nations along with commenting on why Nigeria and other nations are not included. In that

Thank you for the correction though I don’t recall seeing Shia’s included in the State Department Religious Freedom listing. It’s ironic that Iran would be included then which is a minority Sunni nation.

It also excludes nations where we have millions in defense weapon contracts as well:


Now playing

I can imagine it quite well as I lived there twice and worked closely with Iraqis, Kuwaitis and Saudis. That’s simply not true as Christians (I’d agree some on Jews in Iraq at least) have lived in Middle East for thousands of years side by side with Muslims. It’s DAESH that’s escalated the killings to an insane level.

I have read the executive order many times as anyone would before discussing; in section 4 (b) it puts forth the priority allowance for persecuted religious minorities in countries listed. As in Section 3(e) it determines what occurs after the initial 60 day ban, your argument is predicated on the idea that a