Soviet Orelius

1.) It’s a ban on refugees, and visa holders from Muslim majority countries with special provisions for minority religions. The resulting people banned being Muslims from those 7 nations because they are a majority persecuted religion not minority and thus have little recourse to obtain Visas or refugee status. AKA a

I apologize for including Green Card holders as I should have said Visa Holders and appreciate the correction.

The problem with that is there is a reliable government in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and a functioning UN Supported government in Libya, and Sudan. Yemen’s government also functions as their President has been in office since either 2010 or 2011. If the governments didn’t function then how were they able to hold elections,

The definition of ban doesn’t require or imply time limit. As in Pete Rose has a lifetime ban from baseball; they added a modifier for time to determine the limit. It’s a 6 month ban or suspension for refugees, and legal visa and green card holders from countries that have little to nothing to do with foiled or

Ok. It’s a temporary ban on countries with majority Muslim populations with a provision that allows for persecuted religious minorities (NON-MUSLIMS) the opportunity to still obtain visas, and refugee status.

I love that scene from Jarhead at the wells on fire. We had a similar moment in 2004, when the insurgents blew up part of the pipeline. The horizon was on fire and my friend was standing in the turret of our gun truck with a silhouette. It was one of those weird moments that you remember as being strangely beautiful

I see you must have forgot a lot of the racial violence, murders, and bombings that were in defense of the Christian sanctioned act of segregation. AKA Bombingham, AL.

Love your icon :) Big Hiatus Kaiyote fan!

I agree. I went from being called the racist things nearly every day by classmates for no reason; living in the town that was the local seat for the KKK; and having bleak job prospects due to living in a poor county with no higher education... to living a much better experience and life.

The other thing is that the

i have read the US Constitution and that’s not true. The Confederate constitution specifically in Article I Section 9 it defines importation of slaves specifically as African. In the same article, the US Constitution has a specific year end date on when the importation of slaves would end in 1803. It also discusses

Possibly the nation that makes slavery a right guaranteed in the Constitution not to be infringed upon by any government, state, local, or business entity would always be viewed in a bad light... even Hitler had allies. No one supported the Confederacy.

This is tragic but this city is literally the poster child for rust belt failure. No jobs. High cancer rates. High pollution. Massive drug and crime problems. High teenage pregnancy and much more. This is the type of city that is already dead but they haven’t realized it yet.

Star Trek Voyager Equinox is another one that went real dark. Janeway went all in...

I just finished watching Season 4 and have yet to start 5. I was hooked the first two seasons and the third was a slog. I’m glad this show is still on and doing ok especially since it’s a fresh idea that has been explored somewhat. I do hope they discuss more of the lore before they finish.. also fuck Juliette.

LOVE THIS. Thank you! I loved Milestone comics when I was younger.

As a Drum Corps Staff Member and alumni of DCI and DCA... this makes me pretty happy just because it’s drum corps being promoted through fun.

We’ve always had them.. the difference is in the past they just killed black people and got away with it....

Consider that the FBI still has open cases on murders during the Civil Rights era because the states prosecuted and acquitted nearly all of them. I’m just saying, we have to hear them talk now because they

I’ve been playing Eve for 11 years continuously and enjoy it. I don’t have the marathon sessions like before but still squeak out 6-8 hours weekly to join roams, mine, do exploration, wormhole stuff, or do some trade related stuff.

Whenever I got bored with what I was doing I just did something else. The great thing