Go on a run a couple times a week
Go on a run a couple times a week
You're an idiot, that's not what double jeopardy means.
Jennifer: Our next question comes from Punters Weekly.
And yet here you are, on the outside, wondering why we’re all laughing.
Oh fuck I didn’t get the joke either at first.
Yeah, most are just awful and a guide for being a gimp or a douche, but this is solid advice for attending any party when you’re a bit of an outsider and don’t want to remain an outsider forever.
Ah shit, I walked right into that. Should have known better. And sidenote, if you did an AM post on your Bill of Rights protections, I would definitely read that.
I must say - I’m usually not fond of the Adequate Man posts, but this is one of the good ones.
Doctor: Like they say, that and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee.
I can’t believe there aren’t five “I guess he got his quarter back” comments yet. This is disappointing.
The Lakers said “nah”
lol, I’m ashamed I fell for this ...
That would be a question for the courts, some contracts are considered involuntarily signed (cf, age, intoxication, duress, certain races pre-14th Amendment).
Did he sign the contract involuntarily? Do you think he does not want to be on television?
He doesn’t voluntarily go, he is contractually bound. Although if it’s been as long as you say it has been there could be a rule against perpetuities issue, so maybe that contract is void ab initio.
Who voluntarily goes on national TV every day, and has done so for the last 15 years.
Well if a guy with a fucked up hand can start a 40 without falling on his face, then I imagine anyone could.
No he’s a private citizen.
...Woody Paige isn’t a public figure?