and C) someone didn’t shoot him.
and C) someone didn’t shoot him.
You have WAY too much faith in the TSA to act as a line of real defense.
I agree with you on the interior, but not the grille. It looks fine without one, and fake grilles are just tacky. It didn’t look good on the Model S (even though it wasn’t technically trying to be a fake grille), and it wouldn’t look good on the Model 3. It doesn’t need a grille, it shouldn’t pretend that it does.
Driving myself on the highway = still way better than being in the passenger seat.
Just what we need, more people distracted by screens in a car.
Different =/= better. I am resistant to changes that suck.
The instant a cop gives you shit for getting his badge number to complain, that’s when you should start doing that.
I was expecting it to go down way worse for Corey than it did.
That thing probably has all the structural rigidity of a box of donuts.
Okay, so not exactly an auto maker... nor is it a passenger car engine... but Cummins builds a 95L engine called the Hedgehog... which in itself, isn’t the best name, but it was so named because Hedgehogs eat Caterpillars... get it? I find it clever.
Thats what you pass when you only eat powerbars.
Yup, terrible name. Wankel sounds like British slang for a handjob or something.
“Would the Earth dream about burning fossil fuels and its own demise?”
Too bad it was so anemic that it’s flame was put out early.
I watched both cars movies in a row for the first time about two months ago, one after the other.
And no.
Cars 2 is a goddamn trainwreck. It’s a tonal mess that cannot fin it’s way to clarity on what movie it wants to be, lurching awkwardly from brutally violent spy thriller to Southern hick mocks foreign cultures…
lol I mean, was anything he said inaccurate? The title does make it seem like an elderly person is beating beaten up by someone much younger. Yes, either way, someone getting beat up is wrong and I’m sure he agrees but I agree with him that the title is misleading and click-baity (if that’s even a word).
I’ve got 2 kids, 2 and 4, and yes, convenience and speed are two reasons for leaving them in the car. Turning a 2-minute task in to a 15-minute one is a non-trivial cost for working parents.
The FB page for my area always makes a post about not leaving pets in your car around this time of year. So many old bitties comment sounding very excited about the chance to bash in someone’s window. They’re especially upset that anyone would ever allow a cat to go outdoors!
There’s been a trend in the last decade or…
Its not irrational. Anything from the VAG. Audi had my car for 3 months trying to fix it. They actually tried to get their loaner back as they said its not policy to have a loaner out that long. Fix my damn car and you can have your loaner back.