So much this.
So much this.
But, but... I thought only white people could be racist!
Then looks like multiple honks were warranted seeing as the first didnt move him out the way. So simple, I dont get what part of this you aren’t understanding.
I dont see how that is needlessly wailing on his horn. How else are you going to get the attention of the vehicle in front of you?
You’re kind of an idiot and I lack the energy to argue tonight so ill leave it at this: chances are most of *any* generation isnt that into cars. Its few and far between no matter the age group, you just have the rose colored shades on.
Do you need somebody to warm your bottle before bed?
Have you seen more recent pictures of the singer?
Devo would have also been acceptable.
But, but... pictures!
This list is useless without pictures.
So many of these are spot on.
They look like dog shit 98% of the time.
This article just comes across as extremely whiny. He’s running a business, not a charity.
No shit. I think this is the single most pathetic effort between Jalopnik and the comments I’ve ever seen.
I’m almost 100% certain the notes were written by the same hand. The biggest clue is to look at the word cut. How many people do “u”s like that? Not many I’d wager.
How much is the TSA paying you?
“pool, the non-violent game for violent people.”
Found the helicopter parent with idiotic kids that can’t be left alone.