Sovereign, Purveyor of Coupes

Pretty sure forward facing lights can be yellow in the CA. Red and blue are clearly off limits. Technically they are considered “amber” but if you are doing it right its just bulbs that put off light at 2700k so the lenses are still clear and the bulbs are considered “white”, just at the low end of the temperature

I’ve never had a blind person step in front of me while driving the Tesla. I’ve never had a blind person step in front of me driving one of my ICE cars. There happen to be several blind commuters and blind students I see on a somewhat regular basis when I drive my kids to school, so I’m not approaching this with a

On most normal vehicles you hear more tire noise than engine noise anyways. When the CRV is doing 20mph through the neighborhood, I’m certainly not deafened by the sound of straight pipes.

Tires make a ton of noise.

I’m okay with this.

for once i’m actually a little conflicted about this administration. i’ve always wondered how much better off we’ll be if the warning labels get peeled off everything...

But there are no witty christian jokes other than, well, the whole christian thing.

quick, someone get this guy a safe space

It would be awesome if one day this particular section of property was opened up to the respectful public to wander around.

While I’m sure GM certainly didn’t intend to kill anyone, they did, and they weren’t really to forthcoming when the fault was exposed (i.e. attempts at covering it up).

BMW as a graduation gift? I’m assuming she entered a 1-way construction zone illegally and the truck driving towards her was the pilot car.

In order to uncover the secret, you have to buy 100 Megaladon Shark Cards and uninstall the game.

They could just reuse Ford Flex body panels, make it two door and lift it.

BTW, the “Show more comments” button thing is really not working so well and just ruining the ability to scroll through the comments seciton.

Maybe she’s still mad about November 8th.

She rammed her car into another car three times and got a TICKET?!

Well, he’s going to *have* to have them serviced at Ferrari authorized locations if he ever wants to be able to sell any of them. “Unauthorized service,” even something as simple as new tires or an oil change, is a huge red flag and apparently trashes value.

Counterpoint: his gauche social media account is the modern equivalent of bad table manners.

oh you know when music has sirens sampled in it. I HATE when songs do that. I’m constantly looking for the EMS or Police. I’m hyper vigilant because we almost got T boned by a fire truck in downtown buffalo once. Heard the sirens and slammed on the brakes and it just barely missed us as our 81 ram skidded to a

Aw, you got me. This is all part of our big gay agenda to build a gay Jalopnik space station in geosynchronous orbit around earth that will house the largest, most powerful Gaydar Emitter ever conceived by (gay) mankind.