Sovereign, Purveyor of Coupes

Disagree. There’s no reason to start polite, as there’s no question that it wasn’t their property in the first place. It’s just respect on the most basic level, and I have zero tolerance with people who are lacking to that extent.

It’s that simple.

Exactly why checking my car for a manual is not going to illicit a positive response from me. Too many sketchy people, and I assume everybody is one.

On my way to put down my first dog - a 12 year old black lab named Ebony. With tears in my eyes going about 55 on B roads I didn’t see a decent sized rock in the road and managed to put it in my oil pan.

Guess I’m a fool because I prefer Rwd in inclimate weather.

Koenigsegg is calling.

Didn’t check the date tbh. Must’ve linked here from a current article and forgot.

The difference is that most people driving a 626 because of financial constraints would switch to a newer, objectively nicer car if they had the opportunity. Mazda is smart to publicize this particular instance because it shows someone with the means, sticking with their older product. By paying for it, they also get

You’re driving my point home further.

But they arent...

I disagree. I added them to my car expecting them to be useless and they work great. Blind spots totally eliminated when coupled with a standard rear view mirror.

Just like you’d be a lot happier in life if you could mind your own business. Almost funny if it wasn’t so sad. Were you bullied often in school?

Uh, no way to make a stupid assumption, creep on my profile, and mistake posts from a sub blog as Jalopnik posts all at once! Congrats.

Ad hominem, way to invalidate your entire argument and show your own insecurities.

And again, subjective. You’re just not getting this are you?

Relevant how?

You can argue until you are blue in the face, doesn’t change anything. Still your *opinion*, still subjective.

But all that is subjective and a reach at best. Seriously? Fuck an old man and his plane? Classy, and I bet you have great taste.

Better question, who cares? It’s not your property. If you want to dictate what happens there, buy it.

Trying to fund their new road salt I’d wager. I love Oregon so much, but oh my god fuck you portland. With a rake.