Sovereign, Purveyor of Coupes

Why do you ask?

So if John Wayne gacy said that the sky is blue, that automatically makes it untrue? You have the logic of a 2nd grader, wait, no, that’s an insult to children. You are a class 1 dumb shit, and not even worth further arguing with.

Since we’re just throwing around ad hominems now: 

Oh thank you so much. So glad that you could correct a minor spelling error. What would I do without it?

Calling me a dope, but can’t seem to grasp a very simple point. Let’s try one more time shall we?

 This is exactly what I’m talking about. I can agree with somebody’s point on something without agreeing with everything else they say. This is exactly why the party system is going to/already has ruined the election process in the US

For some reason I can’t get out of the habit of spelling that word wrong.

Never said or implied that I was okay with that. They’re both terrible.

A valid point. Still not sure how it will turn out in the long run.

I don’t disagree. There are actually thousands of blue collar jobs that just simply aren’t being filled. I’d wager a lot of it has to do with the current culture of young adults who don’t want to get their hands dirty, yet don’t go out and get degrees either. Many of my acquaintances are of this mindset. But just

You must’ve just got into politics this election cycle. Cute, but here’s a tip: not every issue is black and white. You can be for capitilism and less regulations, but still want the companies to play by the rules.

Judging by response, I’m going to assume that you are actually broke as shit. I actually love capitalism, and think there should be less regulations in business to bring more back to the states. Like someone else said, a romanticized version of the 60s.

Please point out where I’ve spammed any boards.

Normally I keep my rebuttals professional and mature, however, I think you might be beyond any sort of reasoning if you really think *any* politician doesn’t lie everytime they open their mouth. Any reasonable human, whether registered as democrat, republican, or libertarian knows every side is full of shit.

I’m not so sure of that. Again, in the short term maybe, but how do you think the general public (especially the “good ol’ boys”) would react to that? GM would have a field day.

I don’t like Trump and a I don’t like Hillary either. They are both compulsive liars though. Not just trump.

Nowhere did I say that Trump is a perfect business man. I also think there is a stream of hypocrisy that flows anytime either candidate opens their mouth. However, it doesn’t mean that he (and Hillary) isn’t better at business than any of us are. I don’t think either of us will be flying anywhere in a private jet this

No its not really directly related you’re right. But it’s a good example of what happens when profits are the *only* thing that matters. Everybody not in the business suffers.

Now this, I can agree with. 100%

Paying the minimum that you have to, and evading taxes by moving production “offshore” (or in this case across the border) are not even close to the same thing. That’s more like the equivalent of moving personal assets to other countries, which is not even within reach for your average person.