

George W.’s done a pretty good job of it. He responds when a reporter tracks him down to ask him about something and occasionally does things where several past presidents or their families are invited, but he doesn’t seem to push his way into the public eye and major conversations the way most of the others have.

I’m here to tell you that Rush does, indeed, suck

Never heard of these “experts.” These are some terrible choices.

Never heard of these “experts.” These are some terrible choices.

Please don’t say things whithout verifing : according to the California Energy Commission, in 2018 California produced 68% of it’s needs in electricity. And amount thoose 68% only 32% is renewable energy.

I didn’t write that headline. "Fascinating" is what I went with.

Having built a 90s era CRX with forced induction... Please do tell me about the very real tradeoffs that would have made me not want to do that.

There is no allegation that he is a dangerous person. The charge is that because he was convicted of a felony in the past, he is prohibited from possessing a firearm.

That’s what optimization is about - the first and most important consideration is: what are you trying to optimize?

Yep, the 4xE is way more exciting. Make fun of my oldness all you want, but the prospect of averaging 50 mpg is what really gets me going. I love my current Wrangler, but it was never meant to go fast.


Meth is a hell of a drug. 

I hath arrived to fix thine cable box.

Yea, but could you imagine if he did?

It must be absolutely exhausting being you.

Man, I can’t remember the last time I saw an unmasked person. Every store around here is “masks required”.

You tell this tale as if you’re the only one on earth wearing glasses.

I’ve worn glasses since I was eight.

Get better masks.

How will this land for people who generally find Fred Armisen highly irritating?