
Ugh. I also hate it when employees seem to think that they're doing their employees a favour. Lady, you paid this woman in return for work so that you could, yourself, earn large amounts of money. You were not giving her money because of your generosity.

I feel like not only is VICE trolling us, but this girl is trolling us with her entire existence. Dedication?

Miley, I agree that a lot of us have dated a guy who turns out to be gay.

Wait, what the issue? The Xanax? Do people care?

The point of her article is that the Media is busy projecting itself on the screen of her marriage? And that is kind of messed up?

I love Lil B. He genuinely loves and cares about his fans. He has also spoken out against misogyny and transphobia.

I know this is written in English, because I recognize the words. I do not, however, understand any of them.

Some cultures are very superstitious. Doesn't necessarily make them idiots.

I can't tell if you're being real or sarcastic.

We are quick to see in others that which is present in ourselves

I liked this part:

Strategy for winning “Big Brother”: I think I will go into the game with the same mentality I go into life: only focusing on myself

I will gladly pay her fine.

Funny this woman expected her guests to make up for the portion of the reception she and her new husband couldn't afford. I'm taking the exact opposite approach with my wedding: we're keeping it low key and inexpensive (given the fact that we have very little money), and figure that will help weed out guests who are

Shit is super expensive, but I don't think that changes the point. If you look at what you can contribute and what any parents are willing to chip in and it's not enough for an open bar and a sit down dinner, then you just serve appetizers, or have a buffet, or cut down your guest list, or have your reception in your

Yes. This.

Full disclosure: My wife and I asked for cash through a "Honeyfund" for three reasons:

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

My grandmother wore a bikini well into her 60s when she took us to the beach. Biniki are for everyone, not just young thin women.