
She has a giant blonde beard, which to me signifies that she's not taking it too seriously, and now I really love her.

Her eyes are totally scary.

He is such a bro. But after I saw his butt, I was like, whatever..

Dude.. That's not why, nor true. I get that you were being flippant, but that made statement made my skin crawl.

I saw a ghost while onvacation in a small village. I was fucking scared. Everyone that heard about ti the next day laughed at me and said she was nice.

Lil B for sure uses typical imagery, the standards 'bitches and hoes' and talks about fucking girls in the ass, but he also refers to himself as 'the bitch' and embraces being called 'gay' (he isn't, but he fields it as if it isn't an insult), wears womens jewelry, does double time tweeting hella positive affirmations

Would we care if she hadn't been a childstar? No.

This may come as a shock, but there are a lot of people who didn't know about Trayvon Martin. My (white male) roommate being one of them. Some people had the privilege of it not being a thing that mattered for them personally.

Wow, that's not even a little close to what reggiebush meant.

I am pretty sure this is from 4-5 years ago?

You shouldn't spill that kind of tea here, someone else's professional career could be compromised.

Time to stage a beej-in.

He is rich people.

Zak scared me. The longer she kept him the more I thought she was a joke. I don't like any of the guys that are left though. What should I doooo?

The little girl that used literally correctly, and not in the ironic way that literally has come to to be used these days, kinda shocked me. Kids are a lot smarter? Or maybe I just notice things that I wouldn't have now that I'm older?

Let not focus on those unfortunate people.

"Those mean people out there, they don't deserve (beat) anything"

Aryan has backed herself into a corner and her alliance is f'ed. He would've sent a very loud and clear message by standing over them doing nothing.

Ok I just watched it, ugh, why didn't he just throw the damn thing?? It's not like anyone on the other teams would've blamed him!

I've never watched this show, and I don't want to be a part of the 'ratings boost' but I really want to see that. Sounds awesome!