Raised by Sarcastic Wolves

On the other hand, Beth seems to have remained a decent person & become primary care-giver for Judith, while Carl has clearly gone over to the Dark Side.

My grandparents had been married for nearly fifty years when my grandfather passed away. My grandmother, normally not exactly the sentimental type, had zero interest in ever dating anyone else, and remained on her own for the next twenty years. She too definitely didn't want to die — making it to her mid-90s

Given that she didn't politely rip him to shreds, you're probably right.

I'm a gay, ginger, and of Irish heritage.

Thank you for a desperately needed guffaw.

Thanks for the link. By accident rather than design, I had mine as per the example in the middle of the photo ("Stable Key").

I think that if a lot of opponents of marriage equality were honest with themselves, they'd realize that their issue is less about marriage than their own homophobia.

Well even front page story in the Express paper (put out by the Washington Post, handed out all over the Metro) refers to "gay marriage", instead of marriage equality.

Another Virginian here. And I agree: acceptance seems to be spreading beyond the traditional enclaves of northern VA, Charlottesville and Richmond. It will take a while before we see the full impact, but I do think change is coming to the commonwealth.

Hang in there. You've had some time to figure out that part of yourself; it's just beginning for them. Decide out now where to set boundaries, and be ready to help them (when they ask — they made need some space for a bit) with questions.

I ran into a trio of them on the Metro this morning — out of towners, happily chatting up strangers about how they are here "on the side of straight marriage".

I'm sorry as well, and hope you have the support you need in your life. That said, I'll risk angering you by disagreeing about using keys as a weapon.

If he wants it to be more realistic, half of the levels/lines will stop working each weekend for "extended maintenance".

Likewise. She's gorgeous! Same story for Lena Headey.

Advertising has always been about money.

I knew better. So why did I click on that link. Why...?

They were wrong, but you are not because why? Because you've decided that their perspective was wrong, but yours isn't? Perhaps a bit of self-serving moral relativism? After all, prejudiced people rarely actually consider themselves such — there's always a *reason*, right? And hiding behind so-called faith fits

"For this reason alone, I always bristle when Christians are attacked as hateful for holding to the dictate of their conscience that homosexual acts are indeed harmful."

Actually the new Pope was pretty sure that God was angry about same-sex marriage in Argentina. He even got into a fight with the President about it until she politely told him off.

Actually neither my recent Tetanus booster nor the HPV shots hurt all *that* much.