
“of course there’s always a way to exclude them”

I loved the show Roswell as a kid/early teen and in an interview Heigl did she said she hated doing the show and wanted out, but she was under contract. So to rebel, she showed up late to work which is a shitty thing to do when there is a crew working there who isn’t making the same kind of money.

Can the Obamas just be our First Family indefinitely, provided they’d want to? Politics aside, their glamour just makes our country look so damn good.

No matter who wins in November, the First Couple won't look a fraction as good as the Obamas.

Same, Michelle. Same.

Justin: Dude, that Republican field, man!

Cleanup? They’re still tossing around blame to see who it’ll stick to. Clean up happens after the rich and mighty people have all received their slaps on the wrist. Probably.

“That guy’s 78 and throwing a punch like that, that reminds me of the Buzz Aldrin clip, I mean at his age we must say that that is very, very interesting,” he said. “You don’t see conservatives go into Hillary Clinton rallies and freak out at her like that. It’s a lack of respect that liberals have for freedom of

I said it before and I’ll say it again. A rich white man lives in a bubble of privilege transitions into a rich white woman living in a bubble of privilege. Her awful opinions aren’t surprising.

She is just a Republican male on the inside.

It’s almost like Leslie Jones was shoved into a harmfully stereotypical role just like Ernie Hudson was, in spite of the scripts for both movies describing characters a hell of a lot less insulting to black people, thirty years apart.

As someone from San Antonio, I had to laugh when you said the words “San Antonio-New Braunfels metropolitan”.

Amber Rose and Kim are gonna basically own sex-positivity after this. Fuckin #werq, ladies.

Every time a member at my church goes in for surgery or a medical treatment, the first thing we do is pray for the hands of the doctor, nurses and medical staff. Miracles are worked through their hands, denying the miraculousness of modern medicine is ludacris.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

Must be frustrating to be on PEDs for 10 years and still have no chance of ever beating Serena.

You mean he was not bad enough to cost his team the Super Bowl.

Actually, it’s more of a subtle way of saying “I’m white and and the world is good to me and I’m uncomfortable dealing with this shit, so can we just not today?”

So I’m super white, and my small family super white. I married into a very large, diverse family. My personal rules have been something like this: