
He was used to that vitriol whilst a private citizen. Racism isn't anything new to black people in the Americas. I think it shocked white people, who thought the presidency ought to be treated with more respect. The reality is that race and racism are in the foundation of the Republic. Unless we have a time machine,

she was “combative and uncooperative

Slate’s in depth coverage of this case and of Clarence Thomas’s first utterance in a decade has been fantastic, like C-SPAN with drama!

I was listening to the transcripts being read on NPR last night and I started getting emotional because they were just taking that asshole from Texas and their conservative counterparts on the SCOTUS to task. They are being fierce as fuck.

Read the entire Slate piece, it is fantastically done. These women are total badasses and had absolutely zero patience for Keller. I will add that Breyer’s moment in the sun was pretty spectacular as well. (emphasis mine)

Juan Martin del Paw-tro

Alexandr Dog-opolov

How did you miss Andy Furry.

Good tennis doggie names: Ruffer Nadal, Roger Terrier, Novak Dogovic, Fido Dognini, Poodle Cuevas, Federico Dogboners

I’m a moderately intelligent, 39 year old adult. And yet, I just learned from your comment that the cookies are called Tagalongs.

Sure, it’s easy to sound fishy - to any standard suburban white person who hasn’t experienced or witnessed hardcore demeaning bigotry first hand.

(Fuck even rich people like Johnny Depp have opted out of the country due to “too many people acting like unevolved idiots”.)

They didn’t believe that clock was a bomb for even a minute, though. They snapped pictures of it, posed around the thing, didn’t evacuate the school, and sent the kid to the principal’s office. You don’t send a bomber to get a stern talking-to.

And now we get to use that old conservative line!

Jenner is a ‘secondary reality television personality’ who has received criticism from disability rights groups and African-American communities.”

The point being he had to leave the auditorium to find black people.

I hate this man with the burning fire of a thousand suns

I wouldn't do Formation.

You know, I never really said it, but I felt the same sort of fear for President Obama every time he’s out in public. There’s enough crazy people in our nation and enough hatred - of politics, of social status, of race - to make him a target.

Not to mention they’re taking money from small business owners that run dealership networks and instead keeping all the money themselves. It’s a big business attack on small business. It’s just as bad as Wal Mart moving in and running all the Mom and Pops out of town.