Eh, I’m gonna stick with it being that he’s white, but we can agree to disagree.
Eh, I’m gonna stick with it being that he’s white, but we can agree to disagree.
tl;dr version: America holds out anodyne white man as pure, moral idol because he is white and vilifies black man who refuses to be quiet and respectful; America and white man deservingly get hoist on their collective petard for something no one would have noticed but for the vilification; the system works.
I mean Beyonce definitely deserved that VMA.
And white women are still white and treat poc of color like shit.
this video is the sum total of the things i care about today
Yup, you can’t be not white and go around shooting people!
As a Latina, it always seems to be Cubans and South Americans voting Republican i.e. people more likely to be white latinos. Other Latinos voting for Republicans almost always seem to have this obsession with whiteness. Almost like they think that kissing white ass will get them somewhere. They will always be tokens…
Unpopular opinion: I liked RIPD. I thought it was funny. It may not have been the best movie ever! but it was entertaining. I might be easy to please when it comes to moves though.
Maybe it’s as simple as Texas in 1960, white man murders a Latina?
White women = Jennifer Lawrence
Your point being? He’s a black woman’s child so therefore we care. Again, your dusty pennies need to get swept. Do you mind, criada?
Stop using every instance where a black person gets killed as a call to action.
And this why black girls rock. Stay strong sisterfriends.
Her outfit was also an homage to Michael Jackson!
We white people have it so rough =(
“Formation” saved me from a bad date this weekend. I went to a party with a guy I just met. I asked him what kind of music he likes and he told me he listens exclusively to top-40 music, which is a disappointing answer. Grasping around to keep the conversation going, I asked him if he had seen the new Beyonce video…
It’s reverse racism any time a black person celebrates their culture or tries to bring attention to their issues! Didn’t you know that?!
“And what we should be doing in the African-American community, and all communities, is build up respect for police officers.”
Beyoncé *preforms a show based around the idea of black power and loving yourself as a black person* Fox News: "BUT WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO DO THAT WHEN IT MAKES US LOOK BAD"
Somehow I don’t think “respect for police officers” is the answer to the whole police officers shooting unarmed citizens problem we have in this country. It’s kind of hard to respect an institution that keeps shooting your family, friends, and neighbors in the back on a regular basis. That’s just me though. I could be…