
It can be either, but I have seen it mostly (75%) at the reception. Maybe it's a regional thing. It makes no sense to me to have a sendoff for the bride and groom only to see them again 30 minutes later after photos are taken. But I live in the south. Who knows?

That sounds like a blast. I tried to make sure our reception was a "party"... tons of beer, and wine. After we left the reception, our friends stayed on the porch of the B&B where we had it drinking the leftover booze and swapping stories with our family. Including our parents. It made for fun "storytelling" the next

I'm betting it's a shift we're seeing... Glad my wedding was on the "early to bed" side of the shift! :)

Well sure, and at your wedding it's your choice.

You can have sex on your wedding night only once, if you're lucky. The great thing is that it's your wedding and you can choose what's important to you. I opted to spend more time with long distance family and friends the next morning and it worked out wonderfully.

A bride and groom sendoff at the reception is a longstanding wedding tradition. People do it all sorts of ways. Used to be guests threw rice for the couple as they ran to their car, limo, horse drawn carriage, whatever. Then they threw birdseed. Nowadays the sendoff tends to involve stuff like sparklers. It is

You know, we left our reception around 10:30 while things were still hopping, to head back to our hotel. This was in 2003. And yes, there was delightful wedding night sex, and a leisurely private morning together before we rejoined our friends for breakfast at the B&B where we were married.

I have always wondered this.

I might have been blind, but I never saw trolls or NSFW gifs with the original comment system. Have seen them quite a lot with this system. Does Nick Denton have a kid? Is that the UX designer? What motivates the guy to turn something good into a steaming pile of crap?

My blood pressure quite literally went down when I clicked on "Classic". I was like, "aaaah"...

Eventually only BlueTunic users will be commenting on the site.

Their UX/UI designer must be the CEO's idiot kid... I can't imagine any other reason for them to continue to bastardize something so easy, so frequently.

I installed the BlueTunic plugin that Esmerelda and others in this thread have linked to. Comments can be displayed in "Classic" form, which makes them readable again. So much more pleasant!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Bless you. Now maybe Jezebel will be readable again. At least, until the next time they decide to mold this comment system into an even crappier piece of crap.

Please, please can you provide a link? Google's giving me no love and I have to fix the horribleness that is this comment system.

This is ridiculously horrible. Visually it's a clusterfuck. It's also tough as hell to navigate. Why do you keep making things worse and worse?

Keep a can of compressed air nearby. Spray it (not anywhere near the cat) when she bites. The "hiss" of the air can will shock her and should (hopefully) be a deterrent.

Another thing that stands out - "Socialize with colleagues in a way that breaks down barriers," Ames recommends. You may be less cautious about speaking up if you're at ease socially."

Assertiveness is definitely a learned trait, and you CAN be assertive while being empathetic, caring or humorous. I am a shy, introverted woman at home and in most social situations. At work, over the course of many years, I have become more assertive in my roles. I ended up being promoted into management a couple of