I have never, I mean never, "gotten" Nicholas Cage... But after viewing this, I've gotta give him mad props. He does crazy creepy loud really damn well. Edit: Now at the 2:45 mark, I will also say he does punching well too.
I have never, I mean never, "gotten" Nicholas Cage... But after viewing this, I've gotta give him mad props. He does crazy creepy loud really damn well. Edit: Now at the 2:45 mark, I will also say he does punching well too.
You have to be careful that your BC/1C flight actually has great amenities. I've been upgraded before to 1C on a small 757 type plan and it was a waste. That said, Europe to US, if there's a good business class, go for it!
Right? I refuse to believe that the guy at :08 (
Liberal, hot and shirtless. My pants just fell off.
If you read what he wrote, he's planning on re-mounting the center later.
Two for work (laptop monitor + 22" monitor). 1 for home (just the 22" monitor). I switch between the two via KVM.
Another favorite is the cashier who says something nonstandard as you're exiting the checkout line.
Careful there. You almost created a plank on the GOP platform.
So here's the blog... You decide. And yeah, I'm with you that her opinion is questionable, to be sure: http://chasingthejersey.blogspot.com/2010/11/athletes-or-actors_26.html
Found the blind item/blog! http://chasingthejersey.blogspot.com/2010/11/athletes-or-actors_26.html
I'm trying. Thing is, when you type Jason Segel Muppet Creep Slut, you get a lot of hits. DAMN I wish I could find this thing!
No, she just had major hot sex scenes with him in "Blue Valentine"... Lucky woman.
I'm curious about what Republican women in congress are doing. Are they making any progress on women's issues, or are they simply more (as I suspect) interested in fucking their gender back to the stone age?
Gosling has proven time and again he's very un-douchebag like. He's known for being one of the nicest guys in Hollywood.
I see your point, but Jason seems so smarmy to me. After reading some blind item about him and his puppets/Muppets in his house from some woman he came onto, I just get a major creep vibe from him. And he's nothing to really look at. At least with the Gos, she could just enjoy the view.
Jason Segel... After co-starring with Ryan Gosling, I just can't imagine what a step down J.S. must feel like.
Are we sure the women aren't hitting the bottle harder just because marriage implies many of these women had kids and are undoubtedly taking on the lion's share of raising them. And as we all well know, kids are strong drivers to drink.
Or... sometimes if you don't get a raise it's because you weren't ranked high enough on your team list for performance to warrant that increase. In which case, negotiating for a more flexible work situation or other perks is an iffy proposition, at best.
That's great that they've put a name to crazy FEED ME cats, but it doesn't really make a shit's bit of difference. My first cat was a stray and he was so food crazed that when I tried free-feeding him (I had heard that if they "trust" their food source will always be there, they chill out) he fell asleep with his face…
Well great, now the pro-lifers have killed 2 instead of 1.