
I'm deployed with the Army right now it's Bad and it'd probably be easier to list the wierd things I'm not turned on by right now which I can't even think of one at the moment. A woman(battle buddy I ran into on base) hugged me yesterday and I had to run away as soon as she walked out of view because it made me happy

really hoping it's what there announcing they've got the online functionality finally working on their handhelds it could be really good.

Nintendo needs to team up with dreamworks, Pixar, etc. some top notch animation studio and make a Mario movie based in the Mushroom Kingdom. They'd murder the box office and what better avenue of profit exits for them? Do not understand why it hasn't already been done.

please be advance wars!!

came here to watch reggie but got lost in a random argument about fedoras while reading the comments. the internet.

I might be in the minority but zombiu scared the crap out of me almost threw my controller in terror a few times. Still haven't beat that damn game. I'm most likely going to but this be scared to death and never ever beat it.

20 pull-ups is beast

I'm an oldhead didn't join the Army til 30. I get deployed in June for the first time and will be away from my kids this and super smash bros are going to make being away a little easier and hopefully make the time go by quicker. Looking forward to making new Mario Kart memories with some soldiers and my kids when I

happy birthday!!!

wish someone told me taking quizs was like playing a videogame back in high school I wouldn't have gone back to college when I turned 30.

If graphics whores liked color and art direction instead of polygons and specs they'd be all over the wiiu. Super Mario 3d World, Donkey Kong, and now it appears Mario Kart are jaw dropping my beautiful. Love my Xbox One Ryse looks incredible but in a few years those graphics will look antiquated. The stuff nintendo

Why do they deserve to be punished though? If they're hateful let them be hateful that's on them they have to live with that. The rest of us who disagree with their views can just not watch their shitty show. Everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as they aren't physically hurting, threatening, harassing

^^^Damn lighting snob^^^

Drivers in some countries use them for insurance purposes like Russia for example.

Ready Player One has a basement similar to what your describing so bad ass

The vita is such a slick system but it's lack of games is a huge issue past few months I've been messing around with my ouya more than my vita. Haven't charged it since I went on an olliolli binge the weekend it came out...needs more games!!!

Didn't post this in my last comment but it's an excellent game if you have kids my son loves it.

Love this game it's make me laugh while I play can't remember the last game that literally makes me laugh out loud.

and your the guy that gets the settings set to invite only

I deploy in June maybe I'll broadcast my son and I's Minecraft games or even try to set him up a channel so I can watch him play games and spend some type of time with him while I'm away for the yr.