The only games that freak me out to resident evil 1 (dog) and resident evil 4 levels are dead space 1&2 and zombiu.
The only games that freak me out to resident evil 1 (dog) and resident evil 4 levels are dead space 1&2 and zombiu.
Resident evil 4 when they storm the house in like the first 5 minutes of gameplay and I'm screaming like a little girl...memories that warm a cold January day in jersey.
I would like to be the only male on this planet to help with's be tough but I'd give it my all.
Seems complicated...Nintendo just let me play my virtual console games that I've already purchased on my gamepad and I'm a happy gamer.
"Ridiculously tasteless zombie torture statue" want zombie statue would be tasteful? Wonder if the writer played dead island and every time he ran into a bikini clad zombie he uttered tasteless after whacking them in the head til it exploded and fell into a bloody pile. Because I know someone with such a strong moral…
Stop letting other people camp beside me
I paid my car off it was $300 a month I like gadgets so I picked up an extra phone when I was done. Only paying $30 per month for the extra line so I look at it like I'm saving $270. I'm a gadget geek I've gotta have an android and an ios phone, shit I have a mint pre on my shelf lol.
Why choose? Just get both. I love having both an android and ios device.
Loved mlb2k(still love nfl2k5) on the original Xbox but this generation the show is it.
The store while aesthetically pleasing needs lots of help like a search option, reviews, more demos, etc. I could forgive all that if they just let me play my virtual console games(about 50) that I transferred from wii to wiiu on the gamepad. Nintendo let me do this and I will love you forever...not stalker love but…
Also downloaded the room on iPad haven't touched it yet hope it's good
Just bought little inferno in the wiiu after I read this article. After 5 minutes I was asking myself wtf did I just waste $10 on? It didn't even feel like a game. Then after a hour passed I realized I have a paper that needs to be done and I've gotta make dinner for my daughter. Good list.
Did a firefly fan steal your milk money back in the old days or something?
Might have to get it for ps3 and vita this year hopefully my Phils don't suck too bad
I was playing this a few years ago but got stuck in a battle where I was vastly overpowered and my other save was deleted. I fought the same damn guys about 25 times over the next month never came close to beating them. I'm gonna get back into it thanks to this article.
I haven't touched her surface since Saturday :(
Bought the "last story" at launch haven't played it yet can't wait though just have to clear my schedule xenoblade is a beast
I do like her surface more than microsofts just wanna throw that out there
Not a tablet bro I have the vita the memory situation is just horrible