
criticize fine, not shout about ruining lives. If you think it's click-bait, then don't click. Most people on this site can see these articles for what they are, why can't you?

calm the hell down.

so wait, if I don't like this type of vehicle I am a casual racist? Did I read that right?

the F50 was always one of my favorites. I actually liked it better than the f40. I know, I know, it's just, sexier to me.

amazing pictures. Thank you!


in order of want at that price range:

If I could I would. The viper has and always will be one of my dream cars.

he wasn't being that pervy. She is gorgeous, though.

damn, didn't know the huayra's doors opened like that. My bad. Lot of pagani either way.

Top white car is a koeniggsegg

the viper has and always will be, my dream car

i currently work assembly at BMW. It sucks.

deadmau5 sucks

I like that look.

a viper and a hellcat. Save the rest.

Wait.....people think the 458 is ugly???? Wow.......shocked. The FF is "meh" other than its glorious engine.

this is so laughably ridiculous. 30k? Maybe if it had a blown V8 from an 03-04 cobra with its 6 speed and even then it'd still be steep. CP all day, err day.

I must be one of the few to love the looks of this car.

Ive been here. Had a great time. They had an MV Augusta or aprillia out back too. Whoever makes the F4