
Even on a true three piece wheel I can’t stand rivets. Can they not come up with a way to cover/hide them...fuck.

I’m so confused. This is a “Supercar” and a 26 year old is considered a boy...WTF!?!?!?

What is rocket bunny?

Does the go, match the look?

I’m not a fan of playing online games, however I took a stab at it about 4 years ago. It took me all of about 2 hours to decide it wasn’t for me. WTF is with these kids!?!?! All I could think was, my God these numb nuts are going to be adults one day...we’re screwed.

Ehhhh, I’ll opt for an early 2000s Viper or save a tad more coin for a mid to late 2000s Viper. The C7 in my eyes is as ugly as the avalanche or that retro truck thingy they did...

Didn’t realize people kept DD that long. I’ve never held onto anything longer than three years in my car owning life. I’m now almost a 40 year old man who just got a ‘16 Taco and am already looking at other cars I may get rid of it for.. lol. Hell the only thing I’ve held onto for 10 years is my wife, some hats and

Good Lawd I want that Fleetwood Wagon.

I gave her a NP. However, that’s because I’m thinking you show up with 2k in cash and get it. I guess even if I had to pay full asking, It’d still be a begrudging NP. I’d beat this thing every day to work like it owed me money.

Garden hose.

Oh by all means one can be racist by using derogatory words towards another. However in this instance it appears to be nothing more then some mouth breathing Pollock monkey fucker yelling whatever popped into his head at the moment in a fit of road rage.

Racist -A person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

Name calling is racism? I’m a Jewish pussy eater, how does that make me racist?

My cousin married a Muslim guy. They don’t eat pork, but they sure as fuck celebrate Christmas...

Only 8HP out of 125cc? I haven’t rode in years, but even in my mid 20s as a 200lbs plus dude, 125cc dirt bikes would move me pretty quick. What’s the deal here? Is there an aftermarket for these things? I’d love one, but not if it’s only got 8hp.

Come to Houston. If it drizzles everyone does 35 on the freeway. If it actually rains, they slow to a crawl and turn on their hazards. If it’s an actual storm the whole town comes to a fucking halt.

“Now, the owner of the dashcam is also at fault for not letting the guy in. Of course there’s an urge not to give in to the other guy as punishment for his rudeness, but, generally, you’re supposed to let people in. It’s polite.”

I hate Camaros, but I love the Catfish models for some reason.

Hmm mm, I have no issue with it at all. Also, this is my first hearing of a Nisimo to the Googles.

Is BMW really going to sell a car with a stretched tire look? I mean is it that much more per tire to get a proper fitting tire? Or can they not engineer the proper size rim for said tire size?