Not saying it’s right, however, I’m sure it’s kind of “normal” and “excpected”
Not saying it’s right, however, I’m sure it’s kind of “normal” and “excpected”
Is that front wheel coming up ever so slightly from time to time. I like his style.
Curious how the phone Sally went with the insurance company. Sir, you say both cars had a tree fall on them? Is that right....
I know nothing of crotch rockets, however I do know the “bigger” street bikes with low miles (less then 10K) can be had in my area for 4K-7K. So I cant vote on this one. Good luck Bimota.
One of the reason I stopped riding is because the small group I rode with started getting larger and with it came the ass clowns that thought since they were on a bike they ruled the road. Things such as, stopping traffic when it has a green light so the group can turn onto a road, weaving in and out of traffic like a…
Ahhhh. So in other words Faraday is a “company” on paper and theory, however not “actually” a company.
So what is Faraday doing wrong here? Mr. Musk has got I believe $4+ billion in government money.
I have a feeling this James Sidney Allen has not learned his lesson and is telling this "cool" story to his buddies at the same bar tonight.
I blame that shit on SUA. Some one get a Tesla Field Technician on the scene.
Looks like a bunch of young lazy ding dongs with a “great” idea. Why do 10 minutes of work when we can do 2 minutes of half assery.
This, so MUCH this. No straight bill hat dude bro, 17 year old girl or mid-life crisis recently divorced mother gives two shits about any of that. All they car about is MUSTANG!!!!
Really? People are moaning over the fact they went to an auto show and didn’t get to see a, what has the world come to. Hit the streets and boycott Ford until they give you the money back for the ticket price...
I hate red cars...HATE..RED...CARS. I hate the fact this red car is red and has a slush box in it, because it deserves so much better. You know what, Id be just the guy to rescue this little confused, scared, lonely MR2. Not sure how hard a 5 speed swap would be, but I bet not to terribly hard. Id also take a rattle…
How about interwebs?
Ehhhh, what for, its the intranets. Someone will be there to set you straight.
And here I thought it couldn’t get any worse...boy was I wrong.
So I tried to, well actually did, plasti dip some bumper end caps with their rattle can. Shit did not come out smooth at all on the first one. Its more like a spray in bed liner. Is there a trick? Or was it just a bad can? The second one, which I used a new can on, came out damn near perfect.
I actually think you make the helmet and race suit look
Wow...just wow. The more I look the more I see. Love the running boards. Was this an accord at once?