
I’m sure someone mentioned this already, just too damned many replies to go through...

Just got back from my honeymoon in Jamaica. While on our way to an excursion to swim with dolphins, her idea not mine, I was looking at the strange collection (for an American) of cars on the road. She started to notice as well and asked me “What’s a Da-i-hat-sew?” I explained to her “my dear wife, that’s a


Hmm, pretty sure Battlefield did that with the original “Battlefield 1942"...

Back in my Counter Strike: Condition Zero days, the clan I was a part of at the time had a guy on it who had a total of 3 fingers between his two hands (not counting his thumbs). He was born this way. And, he was an absolutely amazing CS player. So much in fact that several other clans had banned him from their