Reuben, what happened at the combined?!
Reuben, what happened at the combined?!
My first reaction was, “what an asshole”. Then I remembered he’s just a kid and kids are dumb and probably thought this was funny and that I’m old and what seems funny to me seems strange to the young generation. I am 12 years his senior and the only time I’ve been on TV it was because I caught a foul ball while I…
Yea, fuck people doing stuff they like and having fun with cars. Must suck to be so fucking sad everyday.
Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.
Fuck these NFL highlight tweets. Almost every single one requires following links that open three different browser windows before I can actually watch the clip on my phone. No highlight is worth that hassle.
Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.
Dude chugging is using the beer as an alibi
So you work at Home Depot?
Anytime you’re copying Subaru’s styling, it’s going to be ugly. This looks like some designer traced all of the WRX’s styling elements to the new Civic, then spent the rest of the day watching porn on his phone in the bathroom.
The car smells nice
Yeah, that’s always been the advice of the greats that have actually led social change. Gandhi and MLK always advised burn down that shit... that you actually paid for with money taken out of your check each week... cause, uh, that accomplishes... a lot.
Stuff like this is why I keep paying attention to my favorite team even when they’ve easily eclipsed 90 losses.
I do not watch the NFL, but I will gleefully read every article about how fucked up and stupid the NFL is.*
I demand “If found please return to Jalopnik”
I am bald, need hat, thanks.
I mean, by rule, it is targeting and the cheap shot came with the runner at the 10 yard line. I’m all for calling out shitty announcers but this is not one of those times.
Makes sense that the Rams would wear white, seeing as they haven’t scored yet.