
Yes, thank you! I just kept scrolling hoping someone would say this. You may not be able to spot reduce, but you can achieve a thinner/fitter look by training certain muscles. Larger glutes and legs can make your waist look smaller, and stronger back muscles will improve your posture and encourage you to hold in your

Thank you for writing this (the post, but also the comment). As a white woman, I sincerely want to be worthy of your trust but also find myself reacting predictably without meaning to. It’s hard to admit, but sometimes I read a post of this sentiment and my first response is to feel defensive, as though I’m being

I have DE and atopic dermatitis as well. Had never had any symptoms until I relocated from the south to PA several years ago (I’m 32). I also have a severe nickel allergy and convinced myself for months that’s what was going on. Threw away jewelry, makeup, wore gloves at the gym and overnight, used topical