Old friends of Luke's

Is it time to drop Penny Arcade yet?

In my humble opinion....Alec ain’t wrong.

Ryū ga waga teki o Mmmbop!

I know you mean no harm, but I am not sure if I approve of linking a victims social media accounts. I don’t know, it feel macabre to me.

Actual adults don’t get this emotionally invested in a video game. I’m a huge video game nerd, and the most I’ve ever done is tap the controller on my knee when I fail at a game.

Some of you guys need to get a pillow to punch when you get mad at your video games instead of throwing your controllers.

yeah, because the roadhog ult and genji ult were both aimed at roadhog. weak sauce article is weak sauce.

Although the person who sent the assets asked us not to share them,

What is a 25 year old doing running a major event like this? I see this all the time when a company brings in some young overconfident kid who talks a big game, who went to a nice school, has the right connections and knows how to speak hipster. Almost every time they screw up so critically someone with experience has

Truth. The nonchalant putting $500 on a wrist band, and I’m working 50 hours a week with a master’s degree and sometimes wonder how we’re getting groceries.

Like, I hope this is a transcript of a, like, literal conversation and this idiot didn’t type up, like, a description of her experience using these words.

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

“You had Emily Ratajkowski and Kendall Jenner promoting it,”

Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?

I don’t play overwatch to work, I do that all day. I play overwatch to have fun and it just so happens that I find Hanzo to be a lot of fun. If it pisses anyone off, complain to Blizzard and petition to have him removed. Otherwise, I don’t particularly care. If you feel we need a tank, pick a tank. If you feel we need

Door is over there, friend ;). But your self-entitled higher-than-thou stuff is pure gold. Keep it coming. Please. Don’t leave with it.

You mean like the culture where someone would declare all this “weird white people shit” rather than just weird shit?

Oh shit, this comment section is going rouge!