
Right but the dude in the article straight up said he was not into his wife’s body (DAAAAAMN for real that is harsh, i mean that is the point that a little white lie won’t hurt if you are married for christs sake)

Yeah, I really don’t get it either. I mean why would you not just e platonic friends. I thought the big difference between friends and partners / bf-gf / spouses was that you were all sexually hot for each other. Also, I am with the theory that we are animals and we end up with partners based on basic attraction

I think the majority of our mentally ill are in jails / prisons. Its infuriating. Correct me if I am wrong.

Its not about terminology, it’s about the general public, the women who are buying these products and magazines being pissed off at unrealistic women modeling the stuff. People are pissed. All 20 year olds and 30 year olds shouldn’t be looking up to anorexic teenage PREPUBESCENT bodies and don’t want to see that. They

My issue is that I love asian dishes and soups and curries which are always made with fish base sauces. For a period of time I was lied to and never knew and dang did I like it. I have never eaten fish / seafood my entire life and have been vegetarian (no meat/seafood) for most of my adult years. Vegetarian broths are

This author is so annoying with the same picture FOR EVERY STORY! Seriously, get some pictures that relate to what you write about or that are interesting. FYI: The world doesn’t revolve around you.

Hey now watch the hippie insults. I never read the secret but hippies have a place in society so [peacefully] stfu

Get off your high horse. It’s not that big of a deal. Most people are of mixed heritage anyway. Who cares if Lou Diamond plays a latino or Johnny Depp plays a native, etc. They are actors that is there job. I once played a german dude in a play. Does my gender and ethnicity really matter? NO! Historically only white

Woah! Cameron Diaz. I always like her and ouldn’t figure out why but now I’m convinced its because she is cuban. Who knew? Very cool.

Yeah everyone assumes he is because he plays latino. It is ridiculous to assume he isn’t unless you are reasearching and fact checking for an article like.

I don’t know, didn’t you here the adorable squeeee?

Well I was gonna say those shows might be successful if they had some ladies on there but those “work it” gals might have that covered.


best answer

really, i mean wtf??? Isn’t all the heps contracted through blood exchange, or bodily fluids? We all got vaccinated for A and B where I live after some bad storms and flooding but they said it was safest to get the vaccinations because the flood waters could be contaminated with sewer sludge or bodily fluids like

the lesbian ones

Well women are not equal enough for everyone to standup for rape victims. Furthermore many won’t stand up or report their own rapes because of rape culture. Until women are equal and the country acknowledges rape culture that will not influence any show to be taken down.

Now playing

Congrats Mark!!!! I love your cute animal videos!

this is so ewwwww

OMG I think I am the long lost godparent of this cat!!!!!!!!!! How is that much cat cuteness and smartness possible????