Woah. That is crazy. Good thing you had good people to take care of you. and seriously how would you break a tiny jolly rancher??? Sounds like someone in that condition couldn’t kill a mosquito let alone a human.
Woah. That is crazy. Good thing you had good people to take care of you. and seriously how would you break a tiny jolly rancher??? Sounds like someone in that condition couldn’t kill a mosquito let alone a human.
I have met a few people who say things like “I drink alot but I don’t smoke because it makes me paranoid or anxious.” In general no one should do anything at first without moderation to observe side effects and more doctors should suggest that. That is for all over the counter meds too. I know a woman who took an over…
This article makes no sense. How would they suspect meth. And how would a toddler drink coffee??? Is the author on meth?
Did you tell yourself “good girl”
Wait huh? Bristol Palin is the result of a failed acid douche abortion???? That explains alot.
Please give her whatever she wants to start using the condoms....
Exactly. She really needs to stop talking and stop reproducing and just get an education. A basic education. Read some stuff, travel, read some more stuff, get a degree or two if that helps. Just stop talking and reproducing for now, please....
well look what dum dum just fell off the turnip truck. I can’t believe she writes shit like that on the internet. Its like why be proud of stupidity? Am i missing something? Seriously?
Why is he wearing a diaper?
OMG this is heart wrenching but so glad it has happy ending. i want to mail them a box of homemade dog treats or something.
First of all, high fives. Secondly, do you live in a small town? Small towns where everyone knows everyone they are more likely to let people go, like they know your parents, etc. Thirdly, I wonder if this could legally happen now with body and dash cams???
Not really creepy. Maybe you just feel old and need to deal with aging? Its cultural alot of places which makes calling it creepy offensive to those cultures, like the south. Its hard to think about the topic seriously when a blogger insults an entire region that is part of the intended audience. So, regardless of the…
Have you seen the kitten on a bun?
You really had me fooled with the first two (unrealistic) lunches. I was like, woah, I only remember a great lunch like those about once a month. Today I scraped change out of the car seats to buy peanuts, literally, from a work vending machine.
what would you say is the worst? I mean the single fruit loop and the dog seem like a tie to me.
um, are those dark choco condoms?
This is pretty good should make the top of the list.
Wait a minute, back up, (LMAO), i am losing some hearing so PLEASE CLARIFY. He plunged his nail into regular skin!!!!!!!!!!! Where there was no hole he made one???? WTF?