Is This Because I'm A Lesbian?

Why shouldn’t you take my word for it? You could simply comment on my example in the spirit it was offered (just as I took you at yours), and if you need a caveat, a simple, “If that was truly the reason, then...” or something would suffice. That’s how friendly people interested in conversing with each other could

Edit (thanks Kinja): “international” > “foreign.”

Another potential explanation is possession by demons; but based on what I’ve read and seen in the subsequent years, it does appear that Turner corporate wanted to eliminate the perceived negative connotations of “international.” Or at least, that appears to be the conclusion reached by those who have done the

“there is a high quotient of grad-school in the demo, there is a lack of curiosity about an opposing point of view”

Sir, while I do read/enjoy WrestleCrap from time to time (though it’s been a while), that’s not the primary source of my anecdote; I’m old enough, I’ll admit, to have been watching WCW at the time. I can’t swear to how many times “international object” was used on-air, but it was frequent enough so that my

i agree with what you say, but in my experience, the far left is not to blame. there are quite a few av clubbers who resort to “please die”-type comments over mere ideas. it is the dynamic of the echo chamber in general, and maybe just a little bit of arrogance, even though there is a high quotient of grad-school in

But there really is a difference, technologically speaking, between a Master/Slave connection and a Primary/Secondary connection. In Primary/Secondary, the secondary system is usually there as a backup to the primary, and can operate on its own. In Master/Slave, the Slave system usually can’t operate at all without

Yeah, pretty sure I mentioned homophobes. If you want to take away what little gays have then you’re a homophobe, and it’s pretty hateful to want to shit on a story a gay man that was imprisoned, tortured, and eventually died for being gay wrote.

Totally agree. There are ways to fight against injustice without turning into a raving lunatic. Would any of the revolutionary activists of years past go on social media rampages? Would Betty Friedan call for the head of a Polygon writer because he was questionably inappropriate when he flirted with women on Twitter?

I like your “master”/“slave” example, but here’s my favorite: It comes from a very specific world — that of professional wrestling — so bear with me...

First of all, props to most of the people here for keeping this civil. This is a hard topic to do so with and thus it deserves recognition.

I dunno man I think it’s a good exercise in human decency and mutual respect to be conscientious about the words you say. I find 9/10 people who “politically correct” someone do so in a good-natured and reasonably gentle way, and that it only becomes conflictual when the person being corrected decides their ability to

Or, I dunno, praise from people who genuinely like the idea of a female Dorian Gray?

Like, I could say “I think political correctness has gone too far” when talking about how the left shouldn’t ‘cancel’ activists who’ve done really important work because of something in their distant past or a technicality in their politics. But another person can say that same phrase to claim that he should be able

Most political correctness is ridiculous because it’s so one sided and idiotic. Head over to the Root or Jezebel and read through the articles and comments for a week. So much hatred, ignorance, supremacy, and bigotry at those places, and they think it’s okay to act like that because of their special PC protected

I agree in part but I think the term is muddied simply because it is often used by folks on the other side to dismiss ideas.

No, PC means that you have to constantly censor yourself in order to avoid conflict, which to me runs counter to being able to think freely. You’re basically being forced to adopt someone else’s morality as your own, even when their morality has no basis in fact. I am perfectly fine with there being certain societal

I’m on the left and I totally admit there are elements of political correctness that are ridiculous. I think the reason there’s a reluctance to claim that is because saying you’re opposed to political correctness (or even that it can go too far, etc.) can be interpreted so many ways, and you realize that you might

There is such a thing as political correctness. It’s not some right-wing boogeyman that destroys free speech, but nor is it completely non-existent either. I don’t understand why some people on the left are so reluctant to admit that there are some instances where political correctness is ridiculous (the Harvard

Sexist? How?