Is This Because I'm A Lesbian?

the majority were purple, red, and blue, but there were green and yellow thrown in. My bet were Jerry or Beth, and the pinks that were there being Summers

The pink ones were family related mishaps

I definitely saw green and yellow vials.

Okay, clearly someone here is colorblind. So I’m gonna start shooting this laser pistol and I’m not gonna stop until I find out who it is. That’s a Rick-style solution.

That was the funniest joke of the episode for me.

I was thinking “yeah, I think I’ll give this the exact same grade as the reviewer actually” after having watched the episode and then seeing the score here, but then I remembered that community reviews still aren’t back. Dammit, Univision.

So what were the green memories?

Reminded me of the IT Crowd finale “pedal stool” joke.

Guys, literally HOUSE HUNTERS.

def saw some green and yellow ones too

So Mr. Poopybutthole proposed to Morty at one point?

They introduced in this very episode a way to make Rick vulnerable, take away his memories, and we know Evil Morty has access to similar technology from his memory scanner

Second place had to go to the family joking about how long it was taking that demonic alien parasite to slide its way out of Morty’s mouth as he helplessly choked on it.

“Jesus Christ, Rick, what are you, a boulder? A rock-person?”

I’ve had that conversation about “for all intensive purposes”.

Saw a few pink ones. Unless those were the ones we’re calling purple.

“You fucked with squirrels, Morty! We got a good five minutes before they’re backin’ up in our ass, Morty! We have to pack up and move to a new reality, Morty! You know-we-I-I said we could only do that a couple of times! We’re fucked over here because of these damn squirrels, Morty!”

Oh, looks like we got a “Doolittle” on our hands.

That was genius. The squirrels conversation, the light switch sequence and Summer following plan 4 worst case scenario were all just perfect. The amount of ideas they have are seemingly endless.

I knew it! People called me crazy, but I knew it all along. It was the squirrels this whole time! They can’t be trusted! Warn the others before its too late!!!

The “Holy shit, how long have you been saying it like that?” granite joke was one of those stupidly real bits that keeps a show this zany grounded in a semblance of real relationships. I cracked up.