Is This Because I'm A Lesbian?

followup: none of the other replies before yours were funny (yours was), insightful, or accurate. they barely skimmed what i actually wrote, comprehending nothing. and i need to add: this has been a problem forever on the internet— it isn’t just kinja.

wait, i changed my mind! totally torrenting this now :)

mcdormand’s char. drops 2 b-bombs and 1 c-bomb, and kicks female char. in the groin (poss. male char. there too? but at 1st i assumed it was the shin)— so, kinda funny that film makers are TAKING A STAND — i assume this faraci guy is a POS, mainly b/c the law of averages dictates it, but this movie is going to have to

At this point, the funniest possible thing George RR Martin could do is release a new book that is completely different than the show.

Why are we assuming Jon kills Dany and not the other way around?

Also, after reading the whole thing, there’s this middle part where he conflates dragonglass, which is obsidian, and Valyrian steel into this thing called “dragonsteel” and asks: “I ask you, what happens when dragonsteel pierces someone’s chest? Would it not be logical to conclude that they, too, turn into an Other”.

an internet handjob reinforcing how woke its readers’ every thought is

It’s really not. It’s more Gawker/Gizmodo bullshit that has permeated AV more and more since the merger.

Less and less often.

Well, you must have a low threshold for linkbait. Just because a link exists, doesn’t mean it needs to be clicked. The article gave no good reason that the link should be worth clicking.

I don’t have a problem with FOC’s making it above the fold. I also don’t have a problem with GJI’s making it to “most-read” lists.

I kinda consider AVC my local paper. I’m glad they stuck up for this city. Other people have told me it’s a tough city to get laid in, but this guy? Pretty sure the city’s not the issue. So many real problems with Chicago, and this putz whines about how family-oriented we are.

Never said it was highbrow.

Ruin his personal reputation because you didn’t like his piece in HuffPo? They publish dozens of articles a day. His piece didn’t go after anyone personally like this one did. This article was cruel and gross.

But I don’t want land,
I just want…
…to sing

Yes, I’m aware of that, but the article gives me no reason to click on it. Do you just randomly click on links just because they’re links?

Partial credit.

The article doesn’t even mention what the Huffpost piece about, let alone respond to it.
