Bear Down for Midterms

Starting it off early this year.

Each morning I put my milk in my mug BEFORE I pour the coffee into it. That way the coffee pour swirls the milk all through the mug providing optimal balance of coffee to milk throughout the cup. I can’t be the only one that does this?

OJ chase, I was 10 and had no idea why the black guy from the Naked Gun movies was running from the cops

I got 11 balls today


I won’t believe it until he resurrects RGIII’s career.

This is the most effective that Tebow has ever been through the air.

W2 soon

Could you imagine if Hinkie had been Celtics GM? Oh god, the horror!

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t refer to my Grandma’s assisted living facility that way!

Nice try, Drew. Still not gonna listen to one of these.

In the long run, we’re all dead;

March to the Sea-hawks +1

Sherman [burns down established thinking]

Jezebel Twitter Account and just follow Depp and Dr. Luke until someone notices.

Goodell’s final request was to appeal the coroner’s ruling on his death.

He hasn't outright denied this claim you just made yet. Makes you think...

“I hate America,” Curry said. “We [The Warriors] burn an American flag before every game, it’s a tradition.”

I can understand his impression of the JFK portrait. The popular image of him is pretty messy.

Let's have some class and lay off the Len Bias jokes.