Bear Down for Midterms

Is there a pro sports franchise owner that you all appreciate/tolerate the most?

Were you all suprised when Ted Cruz responded to Deadspin’s twitter post about him?

*Reads Headline*

+1 King George

That’s complete BS you’re spewing. LSU offered Florida the opportunity to play in BR as the home team and keep the revenues from the game, pay for the flights, transportation and lodging anytime Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Or if the options were to go to Gainesville anytime Sunday or Monday to make up the game. If it

You’re the worst.

+1 Bwhaaah

Those goddamn pussies at UF waited at the last fucking minute to get this senario. Any team would have had the brains to have a contingency plan in place with the storm. Those asshats had their starting D-line out so they figured they can stall and bully LSU to give up a home game on 11/19 because they couldn’t stand

As the self apointed moderator of this comment thread, I find your rebuttal to be a very much a run-on sentence. As a writer for Deadspin, it should be imperative that grammer is held to the highest regard and not taken lightly as it would make your work seem unprofessional and very wordy indeed Mr. Albert, the writer

Thank you for bringing great insight into this. Seriously!

Breitbart is a dump and I read up and donate plenty to quality charities.

Hey hotshot, 99% of charities don’t have a direct pipelines to the state department. It’s also inrefutable fact that the state department accepted donations from companies and foreign governments with business before them. Most charities are at least smart enough to verify independence.

Yeah and I got some ocean front property in Arizona.

+1 Mislead Bill Murray

Reading about this just makes me Juwanna throw up, Mann.*

+1 Teacher...IN SPACE

Well I guess you can say it’s been a Brees for Benson.

Martellus: “Eli? He’s cool. He’s like a normal white guy you see at the park trying to teach his kids how to play soccer and you know he can’t really play soccer himself.”

+1 Bottle of Breastmilk from Kristin.

“but while topping a winless squad will be tough, I have faith in you to somehow fill this year’s top spot with a candidate just as deserving.”