
That’s what is so ridiculous. Every time there is proof....REAL PROOF...of voter fraud, it is embittered Republicans that feel no remorse for doing it. From what they believe, they think that there is rampant fraud, so why should the be prosecuted for it.

Yeah, I read that as, “I’m sorry you’re so hysterical, little lady.”

Very paternalistic.

The whole statement is gross. “I’m sorry you’re feeling” is passing the buck. Like her feelings are the problem.

Olivia Munn absolutely did the right thing and she deserves a lot more support than she’s gotten. I get that the guy has done his time (probably less than he deserved), but he shouldn’t just get a 2nd chance in a profession that is gonna inevitably put him in contact with child actors, and for Shane Black to continue

I’ve been following this story for a while because I don’t understand how men in Hollywood can fully support pedophiles, but ice the women for speaking out against said pedophiles. I read Brown’s response and thought it came across spitefull and condescending.

what’s up with the “my dear”? seems a bit patronizing

vice president for patriotic activities”

Is it just me or do they usually have tightly-pulled-back, straightened hair? Or a bob. I can’t think of any counter-examples.

Okay, but I can’t wait to read the comments on The Root’s piece about Obama going INNNN on Trump and the Republicans this morning. Dis gon’ be good.

It’s a pretty safe bet that white girl was (obnoxiously) attempting to let you know she was one of the ‘good ones’.

I’d have bet good money that Duane would be the one suing Tisha for money. Martin is on BET 29 hours a day. She’s got to be getting something for that, right?

I don’t know you.

If anything ever deserved boo-ing it was this. I don’t know what prevented people from just boo-ing. Was it to try to save face on this terrible spectacle to begin with? This was Aretha Franklin’s funeral. Her funeral. She died. She’s dead. Her family is grieving and this man saw fit to disrespect her and Black people.

Well, people go out of their way to not understand, especially if it challenges their established worldview.

Even if certain things/events don’t happen to you or effect you personally, isn’t it possible that since they happen to others, these events effect others? And shouldn’t/wouldn’t that make their outlook viable? Unfortunately you can’t have a rational discussion with irrational people, so there’s always going to be

Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis.

I believed he mentioned that he goes to people instead of having them come to him.