
Insider trading? He might as well be an old white man. Community service!

Uhhhhhhh doesn’t he know they locked up Snoop’s home girl Martha Stewart for this shit?? Stoopid!!

This is where Gillum’s campaign manager earns his/her pay: working that “Freudian slip” into messages about how Gillum is a better choice for Floridians. Examples:

Oh, I’m sure this is only the appetizer in a 12 course meal of racist nonsense coming our way.

Central Floridian here and yes, Gillum was the only one I had even heard of when the governors race heated up. He’s been a great public servant in Tally.

It was a surprise, but perhaps only because of polling in-accuracies.  Gwen Graham polled well for the past few months, compared to her competition.

I live in Florida and I wasn’t paying attention to the race. He is the only candidate I had even heard of. People were blowing up my social media about him.

He also plans to repeal “Stand Your Ground” laws.

No telling what would have happened if he didn’t pick Palin as his VP or is someone else got the GOP nomination.

A WalMart greeter. 

...we don’t know why the black man was set on fire, but we’re getting close, buddy!

He sits like at any moment Mueller might burst in and he’ll have to run

Whose is claiming Tiger as a fave? Who is claiming him at all?

The move became so infuriating that McCain’s daughter, Meghan, a co-host on The View, spoke out against it.

I love Kelli’s character, but I’ll be damned if a good friend calls me a ‘dumb bitch’ and we still remain friends. 

I’m not really a fan of the French Open banning her ‘suit-that-functions-as-medical-aid’. I’m going to guess that having a player collapse mid-game of an embolism isn't "traditional" either.  :(

There were some red flags for me during their lunch. Him making fun of her career situation was one. Him wanting her to stay was another - if she stays there, she’s basically one bad mood of his away from homelessness. It read as controlling. He seems kind of inflexible in general, as the studio session showed.

“Trina got problems.” Trina is about to be the new Blood who didn’t use C words. (I miss him.)

I have not understood people being Team Danielle. I don’t dislike him, but I don’t see how/why anyone was rooting for him and Issa.

They’ll have to do something. When they get his tax returns, it will show he’s committed fraud. Every person who’s gotten in trouble in the past week, from Manafort to Cohen, has committed tax fraud/evasion. There’s no way, no way at all, that they all did the same thing while Trump didn’t. He’s the one who probably